012 | Will You Be My Girlfriend?

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Katie's Pov

Finally the day of freedom, I finally was able to leave the hospital; Jacelyn agreed to let me stay round Debbie's because Lily wanted to keep a eye on me but it also meant I didn't have to go back to the care home for another day. Lily had continued to stay with me in the hospital even though she should have gone to school.

"Lil thank you for helping convince Jacelyn to let me stay with you for a few days, I don't think I'm ready to go back to the care home" I smiled as Lily was playing with my hair, I felt safe when I was with her.

"Thank my mum, I wouldn't have been able to convince her without mums help" Lily grinned looking over to Debbie who was taking a phone call in the corner of the hospital room. I'd say thank you when she came of the phone.

"Here's your clothes, Stewart is expecting you back at the home in two days, you will be expected back at school in three day, our on a last warning, one more step out of line and your going to the secure home" Jacelyn dumped a bag of clothes on the hospital bed.

"Yes Jacelyn." I answered waiting for her to leave the room. Debbie ended her phone call and came back over to myself and Lily who now had a earphone in each of our ears listening to music.

"Debbie thank you for letting me stay at yours" I smiled as I got back to listening to music. We must have been listening to music for About a hour when the doctor came into the room to do my final checks.

"Everything seems clear, I'll go and get your discharge papers and then your free to go" he smiled and I beamed, smiling from ear to ear. The doctor soon came back with my discharge papers and I was free to go.

"I can't wait to finally have my arm back, this cast is so heavy" I joked as I dropped my left arm as if it was dragging along the floor. Lily laughed at me and I frowned.

"Your such a Idiot" Lily said through her laughter, wow her laughter was like music to my ears.

"Your the Idiot" I responded smirking finally standing up straight.

"No pretty sure it's you" chuckled Lily

"Not" I smirked folding my arms trying so hard not to cause myself any pain by knocking my left arm

"Are" Lily threw back at me sticking her tongue out at me.

"Not" I continued our petty argument which continued until we got to Debbie's car, once in the car Lily helped me buckle my seat belt.

"Why couldn't I have broken a leg instead of my arm, it would be so much easier" I asked myself out loud probably sounding like a right psychopath, which I'd like to add I'm not.

"Mummmmm what's for lunch" Lily asked dragging out the second 'M in Mum.

"How about I treat you, Katie, Sarah and Jack to a pub lunch?" Debbie asked, I sat in the car looking as if to say you would do that.

"Really" Lily seemed over excited about.

"Yes" Debbie responded.

"Marlon does the best burger and his cheesecakes are to die for" Lily exaggerated, I heard Debbie laugh as we drove towards the village.

Debbie's pov

I don't think I had ever seen Lily this happy, not since I adopted her, her mood seems to get better whenever Katie is around, it's like they are made for each other, the way Lily looks at Katie can melt a heart. Lily asked me what we were having for lunch and I suggested treating the four of them to a pub lunch. When we got to the pub Katie got out the car and put her bag on the shoulder of her good arm before joining Lily and myself.

"Lily" Sarah beamed happily as she ran over to her older sister.

"I've missed you Lil" Sarah smiled happily, Sarah hadn't seen Lily for a whole week since she's had stayed at the hospital the whole time with Katie. The girls sat at the table soon joined by jack while I stood at the bar talking to my mum and chas.

"Lil seems happy" Chas pointed out as we watched them laugh, Lily helped Katie pick Jack up to sit on her knee, he was giggling as Katie gently poked and tickled him.

"She is, you shoulda seen how worried she was when Katie was in hospital, nothing I said or did would get her to leave, the only time she left was for the ten minutes Katie's Social worker was their and said she didn't want us their." I explained to them. It was true, I hadn't seen Lily this happy before Katie came along.

Katie's pov

"I'm missed you to kid" Lily smiled as she hugged her little sister and kissed her forehead. I thought it was cute and couldn't help smiling myself. I watched the two sisters bond and smiled more, i wondered what I'd be like if I ever had a sister

"Can I sign your cast?" Sarah asked enthusiastically once she had seen the white cast on my arm.

"Corse you can Sarah" I smiled. We all sat around a table and I let Sarah sign my cast, Lily wrote on it to as well as Debbie. Debbie ordered us four children a burger and chips which I was happy about, it meant I didn't have to struggle to use a knife and fork and it was I had Jack; Lily and Sarah younger brother on my lap, Lily helped lift him. I poked and tickled the younger boy with my good hand as he giggled.

"Your a natural" Lily smiled watching me with her brother Jack. After our pub lunch which was mouth watering may I add, it was the best food I had ever tasted. Myself and Lily went back to hers. We sat on the sofa with the TV on in the background.

"Lil, theirs something I remember from when I was unconscious but I don't know if it's real" I asked nervous.

"What was it?" Lily asked but I could tell she already.

"It was you, you were talking to me, I don't remember it too clearly but you said something about liking me but can't remember it fully" I bit my lip.

"Katie,I'm do like you. Since you've been around all I've been able to think about it you, I guess what I'm trying to say is will you be my girlfriend" Lily asked me. I was in shock.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend" I smiled before resting my head on her shoulder as she played with my hair, it was perfect and I was happy.

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