038 | Cheering Katie Up

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Lily's pov

It had been a few days since Katie got drunk. I had found her stumbling out of the Barton Household, pete was calling after her but she didn't seem to be having any of it. I said I'd take her back to mine and that's where she's stayed for the last two days, Mum said it was fine.

"I still can't believe Mum didn't even believe Katie. Samantha's just going to get away with it again unless someone else steps forward" Callie sighed as she was sat next to Liv on the sofa. We were all at mine since it is a Saturday.

"I know, I told Aaron and Robert about it and they were beyond annoyed that Tracy didn't believe Katie." Liv explained.

"Mum saids she can see why Katie isn't talking to Tracy and why she doesn't want to go back home" I told the two girls. I had let Katie stay upstairs until she was ready to come down.

"We should do something, to cheer Katie up, What's something she's always wanted to do?" I soon asked the two girl.

"We could take her ice-skating. I remember she told me she wanted to go ice-skating since she has only gone once before." Callie suggested, I knew Callie skated as well so she could help us if we struggle.

"We should go ice-skating today" Liv smiled as we heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Hi guys" Katie's voice piped up as she comes and up behind me on the sofa.

"Hey, we were just talking about you. How would you feel about going ice-skating. Just the four of us?" Callie asked her twin as Katie sat on my knee. I played with her hair whole she was sat on me.

"Sounds like a plan" Katie shrugged with me playing with her hair.

Katie's pov

I decided not to leave Lily's room when she did, I just wanted to think, think another the news I got at the hospital. I was told I didn't have epilepsy but if I got anymore head injuries i could develop it so I've got to be careful which also means I could still become s paramedic. When I finally left Lily's room I made my way down the stairs seeing Lily, Callie and Liv all sat on the sofa talking about God knows what.

Hi guys" I  piped up as i walked up to the sofa and stood behind Lily

"Hey, we were just talking about you. How would you feel about going ice-skating. Just the four of us?" Callie asked me as I sat myself on Lily knee

"Sounds like a plan" i shrugged as Lily played with my hair. We sat together talking about school and how unfair I'm being treated, well they are I was just listening.

"Right lets get going" we all finally agreed. I got up from Lily's lap, I couldn't be more happier than I was right now. The four of us walked out of the house and caught the bus to town.

"Why are you sitting on Lil lap when theirs a perfectly good seat right Their?" Liv asked me curiously As we sat at the back of the bus.

"Because I can, and because I want to" I giggle before feeling Lily poke my sides with both her hands

"Heeeyy!!" I squeal with laughter

"Hooooo" Lily smirked

"Heeeyy" i smirked back, we were being loud but I didn't care.

"Hooooo" Lily and Liv both shouted, I looked towards my twin and nodded.

"Heeeyy" we both laughed as the bus pulls into a bus stop.

"Can you keep it down! A bus is a place to travel not a place for hooligans to cause havoc, I'm in my right mind to report you to your school" a stuck up woman almost growled. Was she serious, we were just a couple of teenagers having fun. Was that too much to ask? The woman's daughter was babbling away about a whole lot of rubbish I assumed.

"Seriously Mrs Stuck Up Blonde Tart we are teenagers not hooligans. We have as much right to get the bus into town if we want and we have the right not to get moaned at by someone who looks like she would open her legs for any man. Now if you don't mind we have some business to attend to so if keep staring at us we won't be able to attend to our business now will we" I folded my arms and hopped onto the seat which was directly behind the woman, the little girl was watching us at the back.

"Good one" Lily smirked as she kissed me as she takes my hand

"id much prefer you to take that somewhere else, I don't want my daughter to seen that" the woman indicted to myself and Lily.

"Firstly we have just S much right to be together than a girl and a boy and secondly can you stop being a homophonic bitch, it 2017 love, your daughter can be whoever she wants to be, seeing a couple together won't change that" I made a fisted as the woman was getting to me. The woman rang the bed rolling her eyes.

"Come on Lola, let's get away from this disrespectful children" the woman growled as she grabbed her daughter Lola's wrist.

"Sorry to tell you this love but your the disrespectful one here, your getting Butthurt because we've kissed and we're holding hands. Your the one who's a homophobic asshole and can't respect a couple. I wouldn't be surprised if poor Lola would grow up exactly like that, I can tell you it would loose her a lot of friends" I smirked as the woman stood up.

"Name your school, I'm reporting you for verbal abuse" the woman smirked

"You can't, I'm already expelled what more can they do, nothing. You can't hurt me. Now goodbye" I faked a smile and waved to her as she walked off.

"Katie" Callie exclaimed as she tried not to laugh.

"Callie" I copied her.

"I'm proud of you Kat, you've started sticking up for yourself" Liv smiled as she high fives me.

"Couldn't let her get away with being homophobic now can I?. I have the right to identify as whatever I please." I smirked as the bus finally pulled into town and we all got off the bus making our way to our next bus which was to the ice-ring.

"Let's go and skate" Callie grinned when the bus finally stopped outside 'planet Ice' we walked in, for our skates and began the day of fun. After the awful week I had I was finally happy with my girlfriend, sister and my best friend and I couldn't be happier than I was when I was with them.

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