041 | Lily Rescues Katie

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Warming sensitive topics touched on..
Short chapter.


"come on lay down, it will be fun" Dave grinned as he pushed onto the bed in the room, Dave smirked and I knew what was going to happen next, nothing was going to save me now.

Katie's PoV

As I laid hopelessly on the bed tears began to form in my eyes. I felt Dave kneel over me as I shook. I felt Daves hand touch my leg as he tried to remove my jeans, I tried to fight him off but he managed to get my jeans down, his hand rubbed my thigh. I flinched wanting to get him off me but I had lost the fight, my body is as growing weaker and weaker as i struggled under his grip.

"The less you move sweetheart the less it will hurt" Dave grinned dirtily leaning over me just as the door was immediately pushed open.

"Katie" lily shouted as she pulled Dave off me, tears were streaming down my face as I struggled to breath. I watched weakly from the corner of my eyes. Lily was beating Dave up as Louie walked into the room.

"Lil" I tried to shout before my eyes got too heavy and I had fallen unconscious.

Lily's PoV

I finally found where Katie was, I broke into the house and found her with the man she told me about over her. I pulled him off and started kicking and punching him. He hurt my girlfriend, their was no way he was going to get away with that.

"Lil" I heard a weak Katie's voice call out, I glanced over to my girlfriend and saw her fall unconscious. I had to get Katie out of here whatever it takes. I kicked the men and scooped Katie up carefully and walked as fast as I could out of the house gently placing Katie on the grass out the the house while I pulled my phone out

"Mum ive found Katie, she's unconscious but I need to get her away from the house, the men she told me about have beaten her. A ambulance would take too long to get here please come and get us to the hospital" I immediately said down the phone to my mother

"Okay lil, stay on the phone but start walking with Katie, I'm on my way now" mum told me and nodded even though I knew for sure that mum wouldn't be able to see me. I placed my phone onto Katie's stomach as I gently picked her up, mum was on speaker.

"lil, where are you sweetie" mum asked me and I told her slowly as I glanced back and saw the two men close behind us.

"It's okay Katie, your going to be okay. I'm not letting you go, not like this" I told my girlfriend just as mum pulled up beside us, quickly mum got out and opened the door for me to out Katie in the back. Mum and I soon got in and raced to the hospital. The realisation hit me, I had just managed to save Katie's life, I saved my girlfriend from almost getting raped and I was glad she was safe.

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