Cigarettes and Old Newspaper

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Cam's POV.

The house was huge. Almost bigger than mine. Okay, get the girl. Get out. I've goto the getting in part in the bag. I was walking through the living room, which was fucking huge, and stumbled on a coffee table and knocked over a vase. Just great.

I could hear her talking on her cellphone and when the vase shattered, her voice stopped. Fuck fuck fuck. I looped around the hallway as she came down the stairs. She made her way through the hallway and I crept behind her and into her room.

Her phone was on her bed with someone still on the other line. I picked up and the contact said: "Jenn<3333" of course. And she was still on the phone. I didn't even realize my heavy breathing.

"You there? Okay anyway..." And she started talking about god knows what.

But I could hear her coming back upstairs, so I hid behind the curtain. She picked up the phone and quickly realized she was not alone. I should have hung up the damn phone. Shit.

She hung up the phone and was in the process of calling 911. And we can't have that, can we? Here goes nothing. Act like a tough guy.

"You really don't want to press that button, sweetheart." Just as she went to turn around I grabbed my dart gun out of its holster and shot her in the shoulder. Better than chloroform I guess.

She lost conscience almost immediately and I caught her as she fell. Got the girl. Check. Get out. In process. I checked my watch 12:26. Okay, let's get a hotel.

••• 30 mins later

"Yes, yes. Can I have a two-bedroom for the night?"
I asked the woman at the front desk in the lobby.
I watched as the lady looked at Maven passed out in a wheelchair. More discreet this way.

"Yeah, my sister just got out of the hospital and got a little crazy with her pain meds. Yeah, that'll be two beds. Thanks." And with that, I snatched the keys out of her hands and left.

This hotel is shit. I can not wait till this is over.
I went to our room which was 226. I walked in an picked Maven up and put her on the bed. Not sure if the tranquilizer would last through the night I duck taped her hands together and bound her legs. But also being careful not to hurt her. She was only in a tank top and shorts so I put a blanket on her. She's in for a long ride.



I woke with a pain in my shoulder and my wrists were sore. I tried to move them but I was welcomed with the sight of duct tape around them. Then all the event from last night came crashing down on me.

I tried to access my surroundings but the room was too dim. So I relied on my other senses to figure out where I was. The room looked dark, but I could tell I was in a bed. The sheets felt stiff. The room smelled of cigarettes and old newspaper.

I guessed I was in a library but then I remembered, libraries don't have beds in them. But then. My other sense seemed to just turn on. Hearing. I could hear someone snoring. To far away to be in the same bed as me. Thank God. I had to escape.

I wiggled around until I was leaning up on the headboard. I tried gnawing on the tape but I was bound to tight. Then I remembered a movie I once saw and how they got out of the tape. Here goes nothing. I rose my hands above my head and then with all the hope had... I brought them down on my thighs pulling them apart and breaking the tape.

I freed my legs and crept out of the bed. The carpet was that hard kind you find in hotels... Hotel! That's where I am! As I walked with my hands pointing outwards to prevent me from knocking into anything and making any noise, the snoring got louder and I was getting closer.

Then the snoring stopped and I heard shuffling, but after a second the snoring resumed. I kept my breathing steady. In the crack of my eye I saw a speck of light glowing against some kind of fabric. A recognized this thing because every morning before school my mom would come in my room and open the curtains. The morning sun glowed on the fabric of the curtains.

I felt around it and found a light switch then I felt the cold metal of what, after examining it with my hands, I guessed it was a door knob. And where there is a door knob, there's a door. And where there's a door, there's a way out. I almost cried, I was so happy.

I felt for the latch and quietly unlocked the door. Its either now or... Whatever that person was gonna do to me. I opened the door and ran.

The snoring person, which was a man, awoke and yelled, "Hey come back here!"

I turned to see him. He was shirtless and quite handsome. I continued running. I ran straight into a fence that was about waist high. I could hear him behind me. Yelling for me to come back.

I was about to jump over when he said, "Don't do it seat heart." As I heard a click that sounded like a...


"Now, sweet heart. I'm gonna need you to turn around slowly. Make another move and I shoot." He said all this with a calm attitude. I'm in deep shit. Neck deep in human fucking waste. All I can do is try to keep my heap above.

I have to be smart about this. He'll kill me of I run. I have to options: run and die or listen to him and make my move later, giving me a slight chance of survival. My move. I choose life.

So I turned around and my pathetic ass started crying.

"Please don't." I said with my hands up and my fake tears pouring down my face. "Please don't hurt me."

This will work. It has to.

So, whacha think? Anything? No? Alrighty then. Over 1000 words! Really pushing that word count. 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

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