Preforming HangSang

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The operation they where performing in three hours was called HangSang.
By this time the boys where getting the things loaded into the van.
"Suga can you hand me that?" J-Hope said while pointing to a case across the room.
"Yeah sure." Suga walked over to the case and grabbed it and handed it to J-Hope.
"Thanks." J-Hope carefully set the case in a corner with multiple other cases.

"How long till we get this show on the road?" RM walked into the garage handing a case to J-Hope.
"Another two hours or so." Jin stepped out of the van letting J-Hope finish up preparing the van.
"Alright." RM looked at Suga "You're up two hours before an operation are you okay?" He said sarcastically.
Suga look at him a little sternly "ha ha very funny."
RM laughed a bit "What you're usually asleep till thirty minutes before an operation."
Suga rolled his eyes at him. "Yeah because I usually don't want to deal with you three arguing over where shit goes in the van."
RM nodded his head "Yeah I don't blame you I'd go to sleep and wait as well." He laughed a bit.
"Yeah." Suga said before walking off and walking to his room upstairs.
"Whelp there went him being up early." J-Hope said smiling a bit while jumping out of the van.
"Okay where's the table that's supposed to go in here?" J-Hope looked around the garage for the said table.
Jin laughed a bit "It's not in here remember. We started putting in the kitchen."
J-Hope looked at him oddly "When in the fucking hell did we start doing that?"
Jin stopped laughing for a moment to say "Ever since we kept tripping over it."
"Okay then." J-Hope said before walking back into the house to go the the kitchen to grab the table.
RM looked at Jin for a small moment "When did we start tripping over it?"
Jin looked at RM for a moment
"I moved it the the kitchen because we have extra room there and I kept tripping over it."
RM smiled a little "So you kept tripping over it not we."
Jin looked at him and said in defensence "Suga has tripped over it too."
RM laughed a bit at Jin's attempt to prove other people have tripped over the table as well.
"Jin let's be honest here Suga was probably half asleep and not paying attention to what he was doing."
Jin nodded his head for a moment "True true."
J-Hope came back with the table.
"Someone open the back doors to the van please." He said struggling a bit to get the table through the door.
RM opened the doors to the van and Jin ran over to help J-Hope with the table. Once they got the table into the van and locked into place J-Hope pointed at Jin.
"We are absolutely never ever putting that table inside again it stays out here no matter how many times you bust your god damn fucking lip on it it's to hard to put inside and bring back out side."
Jin held his hands up "okay okay I won't put it inside again I'm sorry."
J-Hope nodded for a moment before making sure the table was locked in place well. He started to move the computers onto the table locking them in place as well. Once they where finished locking everything in place and preparing everything it was forty minutes before the operation was a go.
"Time to get ready boys. And I'll wake up Suga."
RM said before walking back into the house and up to Suga's room.
Jin looked at J-Hope for a moment before they both walked back to the house. RM walked to Suga's room knocking on the door before opening it and turning the light on and of course Suga was asleep.
"Hey it's almost time to go wake up you need to get ready."
Suga sat up and threw a pillow at RM "Fuck you." He laid back down and stared at RM telling him to leave in silence. RM left the room to get ready himself. All the boys where getting ready for there operation. HangSang would be nothing like the others HangSang was more threatening than the others. This wasn't your normal spray paint and leave this was hacking and killing with people you shouldn't mess with.

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