Explaining our operation

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"Wouldn't that make it to obvious?" Suga said as J-Hope tried to explain the outline of the building.
"If we're going to do this effectively, then, we have to enter through the door on the roof as the side and front door is too accessible-" RM cut him off taking Suga's side in the ordeal.
"They would suspect that we entered through that door though."
They were figuring out a plan for the mission they had been set, it was a life or death situation. If they weren't careful, they would be caught and hunted down in mere hours.
"Then what do you suggest we do? The only other way to enter the damn building is through the vent in the back." Suga jumped up and pushed J-Hope to the side.
"Exactly my point."
He pointed at the board with the layout of the building on it,
"There are no guards in the back, we'll have our boy, J-Hope, here parked across the street on watch to make sure there are no guards coming our way. We'll have RM go into the vent and plant a smoke bomb or two to blind the cameras on the inside, blocking J-Hopes view, yes, but we can disable the cameras so they can't trace it back to us. There my friend is the perfect plan to enter." Suga sat back down at the table and crossed his legs.
"I suppose your plan is better... anyway, once we have the cameras disabled we'll need to have someone take out the guards, Jin, that's where you'll come in. You'll drive up and pretend you're lost, Suga will walk up behind them and give them a shot of this."
He held up a syringe filled with clear liquid; it was sleeping medicine RM had made days before the current meeting.
"This will cause them to fall asleep for up to-" RM cut him off again
"Cause them to fall asleep for 7 hours and have them forget about the appearance of Jin." J-Hope looked at him for a moment
"Yeah it'll do that."
He put the syringe in a case with multiple others, all filled with the same liquid inside and set it next to other equipment for their operation that they'd preform.
"Now we've got the plan down, what are we supposed to do for the next 24 hours?" Jin asked while looking at the watch on his wrist.
"We still have things to prepare," Suga said looking at the floor with his arms crossed.
"I'll need to set up the van, Jin, you'll be driving the vehicle so why don't you come help?"
J-Hope walked to the other side of the room and waited for Jin, he nodded and followed J-Hope to the van.
"I have bombs to make and I suppose you have skills to practice."
RM stood up and looked at Suga for a moment.
"Not really, I just have to find an outfit that won't slow me down or make noise," Suga stood up.
"I'm just going to sleep till we're ready." Their plan was to hack into enemy files on the enemy base and steal information about their next move, kill a few people and not get caught. They knew that if they were captured at any moment they'd be killed or raped, either would lead to them ending up dead.
J-Hope and Jin argued over where computer cables would go in the van, as RM was making the bombs, but Suga, he was asleep, as always when getting ready for a task.

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