Chapter 3

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Olivers POV

I saw Samm passing me. She was covering her face. I think she was crying but I couldn't ask her whats wrong because I had to go to class.

I didn't know what happened because she wasn't like that while she was talking to me. So obviously something happened after she was done talking to me.

I was in my first class. To be honest I don't know what this class is. All I saw on the paper was the room number and on another paper a map of the whole school. I was sitting in the back away from everyone else.

All the other students were just talking. They were all acting like idiots in my opinion. Then this girl walked up to me.

"Hey there I'm Alice." she smiled and blinked a few times. She had a southern accent. You could tell she had a country background. "Hey" was all I could say back. By the way she was smiling and blinking she was trying to flirt. But the truth is I don't even take a second look at anybody who didn't seem like me.

She went back to her desk but she kept starring at me. I didn't understand, I wasn't even attractive.

Finally the bell rang and I went straight to my locker so I could grab my stuff for my next class.

Samm was already at her locker by the time I walked up.

"Are you okay? I saw you after we talked and you looked upset." I asked trying to be concern.

"Yah I guess, it's just my boyfriend cheated on me." She said as her voice began to crack.

I would have hugged her within that moment but I just met her not even 3 hours ago.

So instead I pouted and replied, "He doesn't deserve a pretty girl like you. You'll find another man who will love you. Don't let him ruin your life." I said trying to sound as nice and sweet as I could.

But why was I acting like that? I think I like her but I just met her. But she is perfect. Ugh. Why am I so stupid.

"Thank you Oliver." She said, but she was looking for more to say. She hugged me and then ran off to her next class.

I stood there smiling for a few moments. I just couldn't help it. She was so perfect.

While shutting my locker I turned around a little to quickly and bumped into another guy. He seemed to be in the popular group but not preppy or athletic though.

"What are you doing?" He said and rolled his eyes then walked away.

Lose the tude dude. God, why are most people so rude. Like I haven't done anything to you.

I began walking to my next class trying to find it down all these endless halls.

A moment after the the bell rang I stumbled in the classroom. And of course on my first day I was about to get a lecture. Great.

He was an older man, annoyed easily as of what I could tell. He was in very nice clothes but not too overly dressed.

Well I just sat down as he was going off on how not to be late but sorry um this is a new school for me. I actually don't know where anything is and trying to find just the next class is already hard enough.

After about a ten minute speech he introduced himself. It's not like any of us were paying attention.

Since I did not care for this class already and didn't get enough sleep last night I decided to just take a little nap. Or the whole block.

The sound of bell awakened me. I grabbed my books and went back to my locker to shove all of them in there so I can go straight to lunch because I'm starving.

I slammed my locker and went to get in the long ass line for food and then saw Samm.

I didn't want to annoy her but I didn't want to seem like I don't want to talk to her. Because I love to talk to her. Her voice is amazing, then her eyes are gorgeous. I couldn't get off the fact that she is perfect.

But I decided if she wanted to talk to me she would come over here. Finally it was my turn to ask what I wanted. But I only got a bag of chips and a drink because all of a sudden I lost my appetite.

Then I sat at an abandoned table and ate by myself.

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