Chapter 6

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Liam's POV

I woke up at exactly 4:30 AM. This is way too damn early. I sat up slowly in my bed, stretched my arms out to the ceiling and yawned. I looked around the dark room and laughed to myself. Sam's been in here. Good. She's already awake. One less thing I have to argue with her about. I got up and pushed myself off the bed and walked out into the hallway. The bathroom door was shut which I figured. Samantha was in the shower and singing very, very loudly. I banged on the door a few times. 

"HEY! Dont waste all the water!" I laughed.

"Hey!" She called back, "Maybe you should wake up earlier, Curly!"

I laughed. Of course she was referring to my new haircut. I cut it and curled it a bit. I liked it better like this, much easier to take care of then the Bieber look I was trying to pull off. I turned on my heels and walked into the kitchen. We have a very small flat, so it's pretty tiny and cramped. Luckily, im pretty organized. I tiptoed into the kitchen quietly and pulled out some Lucky Charms. I poured them into a bowl and started using my fingers to eat them. I dont like spoons, at all. I find them dirty and irrelevant. I only use my own, but I didnt want milk this morning so I just used my fingers. Samantha got out of the shower a few minutes later and I walked into the bathroom, pealed the clothes off my body and got into the shower. The hot water hit my back suddenly and sent chills up my spine. As I was washing myself up, I couldnt think about how the trip was going to turn out. I mean, you have Eleanor and Louis together, in the same space I mean, for over 48 hours. Sure, they'll probably avoid each other, but I couldnt help but to worry about my Eleanor. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out and into my bedroom. I slid my boxers on then found my Jack Willis sweats, slide those on and put on a whtie tee shirt and a England sweat shirt on. Comfortable travel clothes, right?

"Liam! The bus is here!" Samantha called. "Let's go!" I grabbed all of my bags quickly and walked out the door with her. She was wearing her pajamas; blue bottoms with a bunch of ice cream cones on them, and a regular white tank top with a jumper over it. She had her glasses on and her hair pulled back into a lazy bum. We both threw our luggage into where everyone else's are and got onto the bus. Samantha took her seat with Danielle and I sat somewhere in the middle, alone and by a window. Some of the kids were already on the bus; Dylan, Austin, Kendall, Jeremy and so on.. Most of them were sleeping. I pulled my mobile out of my bag and clicked a button to light the screen up. New Text Message: Eleanor.  I typed in my password and read the text.


I couldnt help but to laugh at her. She's such a nut sometimes. I start to type back when I feel a sudden jolt that sends me and everyone else forward. I slammed my face into the chair infront of me, and fell out of my seat. Ow! I'm pretty sure my nose is broken if not bruised. What the hell was that?!

"Sorry kids!" The bus driver yelled. "A dog ran across the street."

The bus started moving again then slowly came to a stop infront of two, rather large houses. One was silver with a white roof and the other was painted a bit crazily. Out of the silver house stepped a rather sleek boy, Zayn, I believe his name is. He threw all of this stuff into the back and got onto the bus and looked around then took a seat by the one next to me. A bunch of other teens stepped out of the crazy house, and sat down somewhere in the back. The bus moved again and we picked up Harry, and Stan and a bunch of other kids. Then we got into Eleanor, Niall and Louis's neighborhood. I'm guessing this was the last 'hood seeing as though room on the bus was running out. We stopped infront of Louis's house first. All the lights were off, I figured we was still sleeping. The driver honked his horn a few times before Louis stepped out. He looked just as lazy as I did. His hair was a mess, and he was wearing his glasses. He threw his stuff into the back then climbed onto this bus.

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