Chapter 20

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Liam's POV

"Eleanor?" I asked as I saw her eyes shut close. No, this cannot be happening! I just got her back. We just got her back. I felt the tears streaming down my cheeks as my heartrate sped up. I looked over at the paramedics who had just started to give her CPR. I swallowed some more before gasping a bit. I couldn't understand what they were saying. Medical terms is all greek to me. He picked up a walkie talkie and started speaking into it.

"Don't you dare give up, Eleanor. Dont you dare!" I always shouted.

"Patient is female, around 17. Pale, slightly blue lips, skinny. Maybe weighs about 99? Or less. Severe hypothermia in right leg. Low pulse, and B/P is 80/20 and dropping. Lost consciousness about ten minutes ago but is breathing. Not responsive."

"Copy that. What is your ETA?" A female's voice broke through the other end.

"30 minutes. Snow is blocking the road."

"Copy that. Get her on an IV and do what you can to try and save that leg. Wake her up if you can." She said. The paramedic put the walkie up then did as he was told then turned his attention towards me.

"I need some information," He said.

"Okay," I stammered out.

"What's her full name and birthdate?"

"Eleanor Jane Calder. She was born July 15th, 1992."

"Your name and relation?"

"Liam Payne, friend."

"Where can her parents be reached?"

"Uhm.. Her parents are out of town but her brother Ryan is available to call. I dont have the number on me at the exact moment."

He nodded as he wrote all of this down. "Is she allergic to any medication?"

"Penicillin, and anything in that family. She's also allergic to latex."

"How long has she been like this?"

"I.. I dont know! Honestly, she was kidnapped."

He nodded before turning his attention to Eleanor. Frowning, he pushing a lock of hair out of her face and spoke softly.

"Eleanor? Can you hear me?" He didnt get a response. He frowned slightly before sighing. Rubbing his face, he leaned forward to ask the driver a question. I just kept staring at Eleanor. How her face looked like she was in pain. How cold she was. How her eyebrows had snow on them. How her lips kept turning a darker, meaner blue.

It felt like a lifetime by the time we got to the hospital. The paramedics quickly rushed Eleanor back, pushing me out into the waiting room. Niall joined me a few seconds later. I ran over to him, instantly wrapping my arms around him and pulling him into a tight hug. He hugged me back, burying his face into my neck. We stood there for a while. We felt other arms wrap around us. Figuring out it was Harry and Zayn, we hugged them back. We all took a seat in the chairs. I instantly pulled my legs up and hugged them tightly.

"How are they?" A slouching Harry finally asked.

"Eleanor's not good.." I said quietly.

"Louis passed out as soon as we got to the hospital. They said he was losing a lot of blood and that he'd be lucky to come out of this okay." Niall's voice was shaky, scared even. I kept my arms wrapped around him gently, just wanting to comfort him. He leaned into me slowly and weaped into my shoulder.

It felt like we sat there for days upon days but in reality, it was only three hours. Zayn and Harry were pacing and Niall was still in my arms, what I assumed, napping. I smiled a bit before sniffling and looking up at Ryan, who had just gotten there.

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