Chapter 11: Thats basically kidnapping!

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Chapter 11: "That's basically kidnapping!"

Riki opened the doors which led to a huge penthouse. It just screamed fancy. The pastel color that filled the room reminded me of my artwork at home.

"Wow! This is soooo cool! We get to live like kings today!" Naruto exclaims running in.

"Ahem!" Sakura started following in. "Naruko and I are ladies. We see ourselves as queens." She said confidently.

"I'm not sure Naruko is even considered a lady." Sasuke said also entering.

I rolled my eyes at Sasuke's comment, taking a step in. I really didn't feel like arguing with him. What I was really focused on was Riki. He was always glaring at me.

"I thought Mito said it was a hotel, not a penthouse?" I asked Riki curiously, as Kakashi closed the door behind himself.

"Don't be an ungrateful brat!" He squinted his eyes at me.

I folded my arms angrily, and walked around, "Whatever."

I made my way towards a room but Naruto zoomed past me and beat me to the door. "Looks like I got this room Naruko. You're too slow, ya know!"

"That's fine."

"Huh? What's wrong Naruko?"

"Nothin.'" I answered looking at the floor.

I say making my way to another room. When I opened the I saw a large queen sized bed and across from that were large sliding glass doors that lead to a terrace.

I dropped my bags and katanas at the door then shut it quietly. 'I just want to be alone!'

I walked around the room. Then my thoughts started to take over my mind, while I also talk with my hands.

'I know we just got here but I don't think I can take being in the Land of Copper. Does Hatio remember me, I mean she threw tomatoes at me. She could've had a reputation for throwing tomatoes at all kinds of people, so I doubt she will remember. But she hasn't got my name yet so there is still a slight chance she could remember! Man! What if she throws more tomatoes at me! I really hate tomatoes! Oh no, now I'm stressing! What do I usually do when I stress? Lightbulb! Draw!'

I rush over to my backpack and shuffle through it until I find my sketchbook. Then I walk to the bed and sit on the edge. I slip the pencil out of the spirals, then flip through the pages frantically until I find a clean sheet. I look in front of me out the sliding glass doors. Then I placed my pencil on the page, and my hand flows onto the sheet.

'Ah, this is soo much better. Nothing to stress about. Well except for Riki. Riki! Why is he always glaring at me? I don't even know him. Maybe he can read minds. What if he read my mind at the Ninja Cabinet office. Oh Gosh! Now he knows I think he's cute. But that doesn't explain why he's angry with me... Maybe he thinks me liking him could put him in jail? I'm not gonna go out with him. But he doesn't know that! Oh man, I'm gonna die! I'm only thirteen. This is too much! Arrrrrg!'

I look down and see that my stressing has effected my drawing, because it was now covered with scribbles that stretched across the page wildly.

I close it and throw it on the floor. I scurry up on the bed an plop my face into one on the soft plush pillows. "Coming here was the worst idea ever!" I yell, but it was muffled.

There knock at the door.

"Come in." I said weakly.

Sasuke. I really didn't need to listen to his offensive comments.

I pick my head out of the pillow and lay it on the side. "What?" I asked aggravatingly.

"We're going to a ramen shop. Everybody's waiting on you." I stared into his blank obsidian orbs.

Then I turn my head facing away from him. "No, go. Stay here. Kay."

I hear him take a few steps closer. "Quit speaking like a child and get your ass up."


He grabbed my ankles and started to pull me off the bed, but I quickly grabbed the head of the bed. Good thing it had railings, or I would've lost.

"Let...go!" He grunted.

"Never!" I wasn't even on the bed anymore. Just staying in the air the more Sasuke pulled and the more I held on.

"You're the one who asked to go to one! And now you change your mind!? I did not go through the frustration of finding one, with Sakura clinging to me and Naruto listing all his favorite types of ramen just so you could change your mind. You're..." he pulled more and my fingers started to slip. "...GOING!"

Then he pulled with rage. I lost my grip, and I flew away from the bed. I landed somewhere on the ground. I open my eyes and a groan let my lips. I grabbed my head. "You Jerk now I have a major headache!"

He also sat up and glared at me. "If you were are such a stubborn idiot then you wouldn't be feeling like that!"

"Are you saying that this is my fault?!"

The words rolled off his tongue easily. "Yes."

"What! I recall you're the one who is forcing me to go somewhere I don't want to go. That's basically kidnapping!"

"I'm not listening to you." He stood up and headed for the door.

I follow him outside my room. "The hell you aren't!? You got me out of the bed you gonna hear it all the way to the ramen shop."

He stopped and turned toward me."Wait you're going?"

"Uh, yeah," I stated.

He turned back around and continues walking. "Good. My time looking for a ramen shop wasn't wasted, thankfully." He growled.

'Wait a minute! Sasuke looked for a ramen shop! He doesn't even like ramen. Why go through all the trouble."

I look over to see Riki and Kakashi having a conversation. Riki notices me looking and his face hardens. I squint my eyes at him. I'm really getting tired of him.

"Hey, idiot!" I look at Sasuke, he was holding the door open. "We're leaving."

I stomped toward the door but I stopped at Sasuke, turned my head towards him and scowled.

"My name's not Idiot, Jerk!"



Chapter 11 complete!

I gonna go back to some of my chapters and update them because so don't really like them. So if you get some notifications about that that's what that about.
Please Vomment and Cote, and Share!



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