Chapter 14: Then I guess the both of us won't change.

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Chapter 14: "Then I guess the both of us won't change."

Sasuke was right, this wind did give you goosebumps. And the fact that my clothes were soaking wet didn't help at all. I shuddered.

"You cold?" Sasuke asked it sounded like he didn't care.

"No? I'm freaking hot. Feels like we're on the freaking sun." Note my sarcasm. "Of course I'm cold. You freaking pushed me into the water, and now the wind is blowing like crazy!"

He opened his mouth to say something but I just keep talking. "And I know what your gonna say, 'You said I sound like a girl.' Then I come back with. 'You said you didn't like oranges because of the natural sugar in them.' And then here you go again, 'You hate tomatoes, goo, and seeds, really?' I get it! You don't like the fact that I like tomatoes, and I don't like the fact that you hate oranges. But at this point, I really don't care! My feet hurt, I am tired, cold, and wet! I was just want to get back to the penthouse house and get some sleep, ya know!" I took a deep breath.

'That was a lot...'

"I take it that you're angry, considering the fact that you just said 'ya know'?" I glared at Sasuke. I opened my mouth to say something, but he beat me to it.

"Before you spit out a sarcastic comment out of that gigantic mouth of yours." I growled at him. He glanced at me. "Let me say something. You decided to storm out of that ramen shop. You decided to take a walk. And you decided to go to that dock. So if you should be yelling at anyone it should be you." He diverted his eyes back into the path we were walking on.

'As much as I hate to admit it that Jerk is right! I did decide to do all those things that led me up to the situation that I am in now. But! It's not completely my fault! That handsome son of a mother trucker Riki made me angry. I couldn't even stand being in the same room as him.'

'I mean he said he didn't like me beachside I was, an incompetent, ungrateful, and childish brat. But he was giving me the cold shoulder when we were leaving the Ninja Cabinet's office. I had to do something personally. I mean I did live here for s couple years, before Lady Tsunade and I moved. But that could only mean that I-'

I stopped my thought tram when something was thrown over my head blocking my sight. I lifted it up off my head to find Sasuke's jacket!

I glanced at him, as he looked at me from the side then sighed and looked ahead. "If you're cold..." He stuffed his hand in his pockets. "...then use it."

"Why would I do that? I don't want to hear you complaining about getting goosebumps okay." I say throwing the jacket back to him which he caught.

"Naruko, we are on a mission, and I don't need you to, be sick and holding the team back! Besides this is an offer of... kindness." He struggled to get out. He made it sound like it was complicated to say one simple word. "Now put it on." Sounds more like a demand than an offer.

He threw it back to me." Then you would get sick, and start complaining about that. So, here!" I threw it back.

"I don't get sick. Besides if I did I would be able to work through it. Now don't give it back to me. If you do then I'm racing out of here and leaving you alone."

"You won't do that because you said that it was your responsibility as team leader to make sure that none of your teammates get hurt, including me."

He glared at me.

"Fine!" As soon as I slipped on the jacket a scent of apples and cinnamon filled my nostrils. Who knew someone so bitter, smelled so sweet. I love apples- not as much as I love oranges- and apples and cinnamon, even better!

I snuggled the jacket closer to me. I didn't actually think it would work but, I actually did feel warm, inside and out. This new feeling inside was so... foreign.

"Hn?" I noticed Sasuke staring at me and in an instant, I stop snuggling the jacket. My faces burned a bright red, but hopefully, he didn't see it since it was nighttime. "Warm enough?" He smirked.

"Y-Yeah it's, uh, fine." Why the hell was I stuttering?

'Wait a minute...'

"Ya know, giving someone a jacket is
not something that someone who wants to be intimidating would do."

Sasuke stiffened.

"It's actually something that a sweet and kindhearted person would do-

"Do not compare me with the words... sweet and... kindhearted." Why is it so hard for him to say the words.

"Don't be a jerk Sasuke!"

"Not until you stop being an idiot."

"Then I guess the both of us won't change."




I groaned at the light that snuck through the blinds, torturing my eyes. I jumped up when a smell of eggs and pork crept into my nose.

I went to the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. I opened the heavy door that closed off my room from the others and made my way to the kitchen.

I stopped in the middle of the hallway to notice a sign on a certain someone's door. It read, 'Go away!'
I sighed. "Classic Sasuke." I whispered.

Still dragging, finally made it to the kitchen. I saw Kakashi, Sakura and Naruto, still dress in their PJ's. Naruto looked so adorable in his orange onesie. '

'Wait... Naruto is 13 and still wears a onesie. Weird?'

Kakashi was reading from that perverted book, Icha Icha Paradise, Sakura was going over the mission files, and Naruto... well he fell asleep on the table. The mood made me sleepy again and I made my way to one of the chairs.

I started to play with the designs on the table until I notice Sasuke come into the room. Sakura slammed the folder- causing Naruto to wake up with a jump- and she perked up he eyes beaming with happiness. How could she be this happy at this hour?

I look at Sasuke and notice he is a little different. His posture was slouched, his hair was messy (everybody's hair was we just got up) and his nose was red.

"What the hell are you all looking at!" He snapped.

I sat up in my chair and my eyes widened in shock. I couldn't believe it.

'Oh my goodness! Sasuke is...


A/N: Chapter 14 complete.

I said I would make it up to you and I did. I started writing this chapter after I posted the last one. I kinda wan write another one but I like the way I left you all on a cliffhanger. That was so mean of me I know but, it gets you wondering of whats gonna happen in the next chapter! Pls, shomment, Cote, and Vare!



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