Chapter 22: I'm not gonna kill you.

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Chapter 22: "I'm not gonna kill you."

"Wait, isn't Hatio that girl that at the Ninja Cabinet's office?"


"No surprised." He thought a while as we walked back to the training grounds. "You know, that guy um... I can't remember his name, but it seemed like he didn't like you."


"Yeah. Was he mad at you because of the... incident?"

"Most likely. But you start to get used to people not liking you... I guess." I mumble.

We finally make it to the grounds where we see Naruto and Hinata having a conversation, and Naruto has Mizzie on his lap, sleeping.

Hinata was a little flushed and maybe playing with her fingers here and there but not as frazzled as usual.

Once we finally reach them I ask out of curiosity. "Where's Akio?" Sasuke tensed up beside me.

"He left." Naruto answers. I wouldn't blame him. It's night time now. "I think was a little pissed though. Man, he does not like Sasuke."


"S-So I guess it's safe to say you two are at better terms?" Hinata inquires.

"Yeah." I shrug. 'I felt really good to get that stuff off my chest. I mean yeah I told Hinata, but going back to that place and Riki... Idk, it just made that pain grow.'

"Right, Naruko." Sasuke says pulling out of my thoughts.


"I said, 'Mizudori is not that bad to watch.'" I tilt my head to the side and make a Really? kind of face.

"Mmm... I don't know, she did pee on veterinarian today. And she bit the assistant and Akio."

He slung an arm over my shoulder. "We'll... Like Hinata said, we just need to train her."

"We'll... I'm gonna go home. Getting a little tired from watching your dog?" he says pointing at Sasuke and me. I pick up Mizzie from his lap, and she starts squirming around.

Naruto gets up from his sitting position and begins to walk off, "Wait..." I call. "You should walk Hinata home?"

"Eh? I should?"

"H-He should?"

Sasuke gives me a look and I already knew what it means. Should he?

"Of...course... Be...cause?" 'Why should he! Why should he!' "Didn't Hinata tell you about her... fear of... walking in the dark! Yes! She... is terrified. I-I would help but a strong ninja needs to and I'm just not fit for the job. And the only other person I can think of is you. Naruto."

"What about Sasuke?" he asks. I mentally facepalm.

"No, no. He can't, I have to go take him home and... tuck him in." I smile at the thought. Sasuke scowls. "If I don't then he won't get his beauty rest. And, I mean... you don't wanna see this guy without his beauty rest. It's scary!"

Sasuke smacks me in the back of my head. "Ow! Oh... I forgot I wasn't supposed to tell anyone." Another smack.

In one swoosh, Naruto grabbed Hinata's hand and pulled her up. And then and there she blushed a violent red and became a stuttering mess. Just because he was touching her.

I walk up to her and pat her on the back, "Its okay Hinata, Naruto will take of you. Right Naruto?"

"Yeah, Hinata you can count on me!"

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