Chapter 16:Dragons are intimidating bad asses.

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Chapter 16: "Dragons are intimidating badasses."

Everybody just sat there glancing between Sakura and Sasuke. 'Did Sasuke just hear everything through the door? Why are his eyes always glowing red when he's angry. Wait... why is he angry?'

"I said, What the hell did you just say?! What did you just say to her?!"

"Sasuke..." Kakashi eased his way over to Sasuke. "...calm down Sasuke. You're still sick. Go back in and go lay d-"

"No! Sakura is shaming Naruko, but nobody is doing anything about it!"

"Sasuke, we're gonna do something about it." Kakashi assure.

"Yeah, Sasuke just relax." Naruko advised.

"Besides Sasuke..." He glances at me but I looked away because those damn eyes scared the crap out of me, so I looked down at my hands. "...Maybe Sakura is right. I-I mean, what have I done that was productive to this team- ya know other than get you sick."

He scrunched his eyebrows, I could see a hint of frustration and confusion in his eyes, behind all that anger. "You didn't get me sick, and you haven't even got the chance to do anything yet!" He sounded less angry, more like he was trying to convince me. "But Sakura on the other hand," His voice got harsh, and he spat out her name in utter disgust. "...has been on this team longer than you, and what has she done... get kidnapped by the enemy, and sit on the side crying while everybody else is putting in the effort to fight."

"Sasuke-Kun I..." Sakura cried but she couldn't because she got choked on her tears.

"What's your deal with Naruko anyway! Is it the fact that you know she's better than you'll ever be. Or maybe because she's is much more pret-"

Naruto tackled Sasuke to the ground and straddled him, grabbing him by the collar. "Shut the hell up! You don't know Sakura like I do! You don't know anything about her! You're always ignoring her and the things she's trying to do for you, so stop saying all those cruel things about her.

"Naruto! That's enough! Get off Sasuke!" Kakashi yelled.

"So when I say something about Sakura you get all defensive! But when Sakura say all these things to Naruko you sit back and watch. I mean, wasn't the things she was saying cruel..." Sasuke scoffed, "no heartless! You should care more about Naruko, but you don't, because you don't know yet!"

'Know what yet! Is Sasuke hiding something?'

"Why do you care! You get defensive when it comes to Naruko!"

'He DOES?!"

Sasuke pushed Naruto off him, and he fell on his back then sat up. Sasuke stood and dusted himself off glaring at Naruto. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about?"

Naruto stood and did the same. "Yes, you do!" He said sternly.

"No, I don't!" He squinted his eyes at Naruto.

"Then let me tell it for you. Naruko!" I perked up a little at the sound of my name. "Sasuke is in lov-" Sasuke slammed Naruto into the wall then threw a punch. Naruto tried to make fall Sasuke fall on his back by sliding his feet off the ground, but Sasuke did a backhand spring out of it. There was little distance between them and from the way that they were standing it looked like a real battle was about to happen.

"Baka! Why can't you keep your damn mouth closed." Naruto dashed towards Sasuke pushed him to the ground. Then he straddled Sasuke and began punching him. Sasuke then kicked Naruto off him and brought of a kunai.

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