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Suddenly as my cracking porcelain-doll neck cranes upwards I realize

All these concrete things of our imagination

Now hover dizzyingly around me

Almost swallowing my presence with their tall statures that stretch into the sky

Leaving us standing in their umbrage

They echo of unrealistic ambitions and destructive dreams

These yellow brick buildings haunt the once barren land

Screaming pathetic creatures of denial into hypnosis.

Trapping the innocent,


A few

Created these monsters

That loom whispers over me

Yes, yes

Only a few who decided humans were fit to live in the sky

To work in the sky

To sleep in the sky

That it wasn’t enough for us to walk upon the earth

Now these buildings are withering expectations, blackmailing our last hope and pride around us.

Melting like candle wax

The more they burn

The more we drown

We have become the products of our creations

We have accepted judgment based on these brick structures





They whisper and hiss, pulling our ears this way and that

Feeding us artificial nirvana

And we-


We obey…

The Lullabies That Keep Me Sane [A Compilation of My Poems]Where stories live. Discover now