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The next day, I could tell something was different with Carter. His face didn't have the natural glow like it always did. When he was walking down the hallway with Joey, he seemed like he was in his own world. And Joey didn't try to budge him because I guess he knows what he lost.

And I knew too.

Only difference is that I didn't know the meaning behind the piece of folded paper.

I don't know when or how I'm going to give it back to him. I only know that I needed to do it soon. Because I couldn't stand seeing him upset.

At lunch when his friends made jokes, he didn't laugh to expose his beautiful smile like he usually did. He just sat there, motionless.

Just thinking about giving him back what is important to him and bringing back his happiness made me feel ecstatic. But really, is it me? No, it's not. It's the piece of paper that's going to bring back his happiness.

So, I've decided I would do it after fourth period.

When the bell rings, signaling the end of the day, I become filled with nerves. I see Carter slowly get up from his seat, putting on his backpack.

Come on, Ava, stop him.

I put on my backpack as well and let out a shaky breath. Him and Joey were already walking out the door so, I speed up to catch up with them. I walk creepily behind them but from a distance to where I don't lose them. Thankfully, Joey separates from Carter and he's alone.

He walks out of the school and to his car and I'm still creepily following him from a distance. I stop walking once he makes it to his car.

Ava, go.

He mumbles a few curse words under his breath when he realizes that he has to get his keys from his backpack to unlock his door. That's when I make my way over.

He's fumbling with the zipper of his backpack when I come up and stand next to his car, looking at him. He doesn't notice me but when I clear my throat to get his attention, his head snaps towards me and I have to stop myself from gasping out loud when he looks at me.

His eyebrows scrunch in confusion. "Hey, can I help you?"

I shake my head. "No, but I can help you."

He looked even more confused than before. "What?"

I reach into my back pocket for the thing I know that has made his mood different. I hold it up and he seemed to immediately recognize it because his face falls. His reaction is what I wasn't expecting.

Anger completely masks his expression and it catches me off guard. I thought it would make him happy.

"Where did you get that?" he says with a tone colder than it is outside right now.

Maybe he's not as nice as I thought he would be.

The words get caught on my tongue and I have a problem getting them out because of his reaction. "I-I saw you drop it yesterday." I stutter out.

I reach it out to him, wanting him to take it back. Because it suddenly felt like I was holding fire.

He grabs it from my fingers and they end up brushing mine, causing tingles throughout my entire body.

He looks down at the piece of paper like he couldn't believe it was real. He looks back up at me and his voice becomes softer, almost a whisper. "You didn't read it, did you?"

I shake my head. "No, of course not."

He nods, sighing in relief. "Good."

We stand in awkward silence for a little bit, the cold breeze blowing my hair through the wind. He continues to look at the folded paper in his hand and I just stand there, wondering what I should do next.

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