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Winter break was over and it was sadly, time to go back to school. Just the thought of going back to school depresses me but I guess I have to. I trudge my way to the bathroom, relieving myself of my filled bladder. Then, I go to the sink, splashing water in my face, not only to wake myself up but also so I could wash my face.

After I get done doing everything I needed to do, I start to get dressed. I grab my phone, deciding to check the weather to see if I needed to layer or not.


I hum. A little warmer than the previous days.

I grab my jacket, knowing I would still need it. I start to put it on when I notice something fall from the pocket. I look down in confusion at what it was and see it's the picture that Carter gave me. Of his mom.

My face softens as I go to pick it up. Of course the picture makes me think of Carter and how his situation turned out. I hadn't spoken to him since Tuesday of last week. It was now Monday. So, I don't know how it all worked out. I'm not offended at all though. I know he's probably spending as much time with his mom as possible.

I stuff the picture back into the pocket of my jacket, thinking about giving it back to Carter at school. This could be my opportunity to ask him how everything's going now.


When I got to school, I figured it would be best for me to give Carter the picture at the end of the day. Just in case I got a negative reaction.

The day dragged on and I sat in my last period, trying to finish the work so I didn't have to do it for homework. A few minutes later, I was done. I sat there until the bell rang and when it did, everyone began to leave the classroom including Carter and Joey.

At the beginning of class, I was surprised when Carter looked in my direction and waved at me. But I masked my surprise and waved back, feeling an overwhelming sense of happiness.

I began to walk out the school doors, looking for Carter's car. When I spotted it and him approaching it, I began walking to him.

Carter noticed me walking up to him, giving me a smile. "Hey, Ava."

I smile. "Hey, Carter."

We stop walking when we make it to his car. He leans his back against it. "So, what's up? How've you been?"

I nod, letting him know I've been alright. "I've been good. What about you? You know, with your mom being back and everything."

A faint smile appears on his lips. He nods his head to his car. "Let's get inside my car, it's kinda windy, isn't it?"

My eyebrows raise, just now noticing that it is kind of windy. "Oh yeah, okay."

I walk over to the passenger side of his car, opening the door and getting in. I turn my head to talk to him but when I do I'm met with a pair of soft lips.

My eyes widen in surprise but then they flutter shut and I melt into him. I kiss back, tangling my fingers into his hair.

I couldn't believe this was happening. I was kissing Carter. The boy I've had a crush on forever. I wanted this moment to last forever but of course, it didn't. He pulls away, looking at me with adoration, a smile apparent on his face.

"What was that for?" I say, breathlessly.

His thumb caresses my cheek. "Because I'm happy that you exist. And to answer your question about my mom, she's doing better. She has therapy today and I feel like it's gonna be really good for her. Thanks to you."

My heart beats at his statement but I shake my head, sheepishly and say, "No, it was the both of us."

He chuckles. "Stop being so humble for a second."

I chuckle, playfully rolling my eyes. "Okay, okay, you're welcome." I reach into my jacket pocket to take out the photo I almost forgot about. I hand it to him. "This fell out of my pocket this morning."

He grabs it, looking at it. "The picture of my mom. I forgot you had this."

I nod. "Yeah, I almost did too."

He pulls away from me, putting the picture in his pocket. He takes out his keys, starting his car up. He looks at me with a smile. "Let me take you home?"

I nod, gratefully. "Yeah, okay."

I straightened in my seat with the biggest smile on my face. I definitely wasn't expecting that to happen. I was happy that Carter was happy again and that his mom is getting the proper help she needs.

I felt like this was the moment my life was gonna change. All the times, I've been by myself and isolated from everyone and everything is now gonna change. If you would've told me a month ago that Carter is gonna kiss me, I would've laughed at your nonsense.

I guess you can say I finally got his attention.




thank you to everyone who decided to read it! Sometimes it was a struggle writing this book but I'm glad I finished it. Anyways, I hope everyone has a great life and if you like me, you should go read my other stories ;))


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