Voting Poll

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My name is Alexandra Buller.

I currently live with my mother her name is Molly, my dad Josh and my brother Damon.

I am 14 years old, my mom is 40 and my dad is 45.

My older brother is 17.

He has a girlfriend named Callie Jenner.

She doesn't like me very much she is a stuck up bitch.

Today is the day of the voting poll.

My dad is running for President Of The United States.

He has worked really hard.

He told me and Damon to not do dumb shit over the next 4 years if he gets elected.

We promised him.

But that didn't last long.

Right now we are waiting to hear the results.

"And the new President is Josh Buller! He will take office at January 1st 2018. Congrats America time to celebrate!" said the news reporter.

My dad turned around and kissed my mother.

I hugged Damon.

He was smiling.

"We get to live in the White House Damon it's a dream come true. We will live like kings and queens. I can't wait." I said.

He kissed my forehead.

"Yeah but there's a downside Alex. You know we have to leave all of our friends and family for this." Damon said.

I looked down.

My face became pale.

I never thought about that.

We live in Miami Florida and Washington D.C is thousands of miles away.

I will loose all my friends and my boyfriend Ryder Smith.

I love him so much and I can't stand to loose him.

Mom saw me looking down.

"Are you okay honey? We won what could you be sad about?" She asked me.

A tear came to my eye.

"I have to leave Ryder mom. I can't leave Ryder. I love him so much." I pleaded.

I began to cry.

Mom moved me into the kitchen.

"Honey listen. This is more for your dad. You know his whole life he wanted to be a politition. He loves America and just wants the best for the country. You can visit Ryder. Long distant relationships can work they all don't go to hell." Mom said.

She hugged me.

"Why?" I said.

I cried into her shirt.

I loved him so much.

He was my best friend before we dated.

She pulled away.

"Are you okay now?" She asked me.

I nodded wiping away my tears.

She kissed my forehead and went back to my father.

Damon walked in after she left.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

I ran into his arms.

It took him a couple seconds to hug me back but I think he felt my pain.

"I have to leave Ryder!" I cried into him.

"Yeah I know I have to leave Callie too. I know you don't like her but I do love her. So I guess we are both loosing someone special." Damon said.

He pushed me away and walked away.

Damon has never showed much emotion or love to other people since my younger brother Caleb died.

It was 7 years ago and I was 7 and Damon was 10.

He was suppose to watch me and Caleb while mom and dad were out for lunch.

Damon brought us to the park.

Damon got so caught up in talking to me that Caleb walked into the street and got hit by a car.

Mom and dad blamed him.

They said that he should have been watching both of us and not just me.

A little while after that Damon resented me because he blamed me for distracting him.

But after 3 months he talked to me after I told him to go to hell.

The whole thing was a bad few years.

Mom never got over it.

Dad walked into the kitchen. 

"Come on we are moving in early." He said.

"What?" I asked him.

"Now pack your shit we are leaving now." He said.

I ran upstairs in tears.

I packed my stuff.

I knew not to say no to dad or not do what I was told.

He could ruin me.

He has power over my whole life.

About 5 hours later we arrived in Washington D.C.

I went into my room and decided to take a shower.

During my shower I heard the door open.

I grabbed my towel and open the shower door to see who it was.

It was Damon.

"Get out!"I yelled.

"I just want to talk." He said.

I got out and redid my towel.

Damon looked at me for a second.

He had that glare in his eyes like I was his.

He got up and moved toward me.

He stared at my lips for a second.

I licked my lips.

He was about to kiss me when we heard a sound.

"DAMON!!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

It was Callie.

Damon quickly exited the bathroom.

What was that all about?

Dear Readers,

Thank you for going to this book.

This book will have many chapters.

I will update 2-3 times a week and hopefully more.

I try to write 500+ words.

I have two other books please read them they are both similar to this book both are incest related.

Continue to read and soon I will have a schedule out so you can read a chapter on specific days.

Thanks again for reading.



A Siblings With Benefits Novel - S.W.B Presidential Office (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now