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BOOKS: rec from bella_kittylove

Chisp sents fill the air

as you flip through pages of


You fill your emotions with

something else,

forgetting the world around you.

The comments you willingly


and to fight the urge to

throw your hands up and quit.

You leave the world moving

as you jump through your

own portal that no one can see;

and get lost in never ending

words on a page.

Some may not understand

why you jump through a

One so much

or vist a world more then others.

And when you jump with someone else,

you might let them slip

from your grasp

and they might be stuck

in that world


but when you

slowly close the cover and

push it away from you,

you realize that to some,

you just finished a book.

but to those who imagine,

your'e just at the beginning.

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