Chapter Three

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"Debbie! Debbie!" I knocked on her door.

"Oh, hey, Kathy. Ye left yer-" I burst in.

"I just met George Harrison."

"You WHAT?!"

"I...Met.... George Harrison."

"WHAT!" Debbie jumped up and down. "Tell me everything!" I sat down with her and explained the whole story. "So, you ran into him, talked to him, hurt him, then said yer goodbyes and walked away?"

"That's what happened." I told her. "But I'm not allowed to go see them,"

"Rubbish!" Debbie said. "You should be allowed!"

"Easy for you to say," I sighed. "Yer, what, 3 years older than me?"

"So? Tell you what, tonight, I'll pick you up and we'll go."

"I don't know..."

"Come on, Kathy! Live a little!" Debbie urged me. I got by flats, said goodbye, and walked back home.

"Did you get the eggs?" Mum asked.

"Oh...No... Sorry, Mum," I mumbled. My brother, Lucas, jumped down the stairs and swished my curly brown hair.

"Bug off, Lucas," I growled.

"When's dinner gonna be ready?" Lucas asked.

"A few minutes." Mum said. "At... 6 we'll have it."

| That Night |

"Kathleen! Debbie is here!" Dad called.

"Coming!" I said, touching up me hair, fixing me bow, and straightening me clothes. I came down the stairs.

"I'll have her back by 12, Mr. Gardner," Debbie promised as we headed out the door. She looked at me as we completely skipped the whole "walk around".

"Look at ye!" I exclaimed. She had on a baige sweater, a blue shirt, and a black skirt.

"Yeah I spent some time on it tonight. But look at YE!." She said.

"This is the one time we are going without parental control, right?" I asked her.


"Okay good."

"Unless you like it."

| Later that night |

After it was over, I leaned over to Debbie.

"Hey, I'm gonna see if I can talk to George." I slipped over there.

"Kathleen Gardner!" George exclaimed. "Glad ye could come!"

"Yeah! Ye did great!" I smiled. Someone came behind George.

"Who's this?" They asked.

"Oh, John, this is Kathleen Gardner. Kathleen, this is John Lennon,"

"Nice to meet ye!" I held out my hand and he shook it.

"Yeah.... Me and Georgie'll be right back," John took George over to a corner and was talking to him. Debbie came over. Two other members of the Quarrymen came to us.

"Pete, right?" I asked one with a guitar. The other glared at me.

"What the hell did you just say." They said.

"Oh sorry... You're Pete, the guitar one is Paul,"

"Yeah..." Pete walked away.

"Sorry, love," Paul said to me. "He does that.. I'm Paul McCartney."

"I'm Debbie and this is Kathleen," Debbie smiled.

"So, Kathleen, I hear you've been talking to Georgie..." Paul snickered.

"Just once, I swear," I started turning red. Nervously, I looked at the clock. "Oh crap! Debbie, we've gotta go! Tell George and John I said bye!" We rushed off. Debbie and I parted ways after we passed her house. Just me running home, scared to death. I opened the house door and slowly walked in. No one was awake. The floor creaked under my feet. I took deep breaths.

"Kathleen?" I heard behind me.

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