Chapter Four

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I turned around slowly. "Ye forgot yer bow," It was George.

"George, the hell!" I whispered harshly, taking me bow. "Come on, now."

"I figured I'd come give it to ye before I got home," he said with a small smile.

"Well, thanks," I mumbled.

George looked around. "Yer house!"

"It's nothing, really. Same as you, I bet." I turned to see everything, then turned back. "Nothing special."

"Especially the bathrooms," George added with a chuckle. Then, the floor creaked.

"Ye should get going," I rushed him out.

"I'll see you tomorrow before school, right?" George asked. Oh my goodness, he rolls his Rs. But he's just a friend.

"Um sure."

"What's the matta?"

"My parents can't see ye, okay? They'll get suspicious. Thank ye for me bow," I thanked. "Bye now!"

"B-" I shut the door.

My mind began to think a lot. "Kathy, what was that feeling? He's just a friend, right? Just a friend?"

"Yeah. Just a friend," I told meself. I ran into my room, got into pjs, and slept. But I couldn't. My mind was racing and thinking. Ugh. I wish my mind would just shut up. Like, the hell, brain! Finally, I managed to fall asleep.

| The Next Morning |

I woke up. My pillow was partially wet. Maybe I drooled? But my mind told me a different story. "You cried," it said. "In your sleep." I shook that off and fell out of bed. Sleepily, I pulled on my school clothes and grabbed my backpack. I headed downstairs to eat. Mum had made perfectly good....toast. It was burnt.

"Sorry," she told me. Lucas jumped up and grabbed his backpack, too. We headed out the door and started the walk around. I saw George wave to us.

"Hey, George!" I called, waving.

"Hey!" We walked up to him.

"George, this is my brother, Lucas. Lucas, this is George Harrison," I smiled.

"Pleased to meet you," George smiled, shaking Lucas's hand. "We may go to the same school!"

"Gear!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Well, I'll meet you guys after school," I said. "I must go."

"Oh. Meet me right here after school," George said to us, but it seemed like he was directing it

right at me. "No stopping at home first. No nothing. Straight here." I nodded suspiciously.

| After School |

I trudged home, sweat beading on my forehead, my hand cramping. I arrived in front of George's house.

"Kathy!" He exclaimed. "I'm glad you agreed to our terms."

"Yeah!" I said, my voice fading. "So.. What'd you want to meet about?"

"Well... We have a writing assignment at school, you see...and..." He looked down.

"And you want me to help you," I accused.

"Does that mean you will?" I nodded and we headed to the park. We sat down on a bench. I asked him what the assignment was about and he said, "It's about our friends." My heart skipped a beat.

"Oh, that's sweet of you," I blushed, putting some hairs behind my ear. "Very sweet of you." George looked away, but you saw a small smile on his face. He turned back to you, crooked smile ear to ear. I closed my eyes and smiled back, shaking my head. I heard him chuckle.

"So.. Let's get started," he suggested, laughing. I opened my eyes. "Right, sorry," I giggled. "Where to start?" George asked me, holding a pencil and paper.

"Hmm. Which friend would you like to start with?" I asked, crossing a leg over the other.

"I guess you," George mumbled. "My teacher said to start with how you got to know them."

"That's easy!" I uncrossed my legs. "I was running back to my friends house to grab my flats and I didn't notice you in the way and we bumped into each other."

"Pardon me asking but, why'd you run all the way around?" George asked, chuckling.

"Oh right. My uh my mum told me to go around the circle before I left so she could watch me."

"Oh." George scribbled on his paper. I felt like looking, but then that would be nosy. Right? "Now what interests they have." I explained I liked The Quarrymen, playing guitar, playing piano, playing violin, writing, drawing, etc. After a long time of questions, George then said something that made me turn bright red.

"You know, I like your eyes. And her (hair). And face. Sorry, was that too much?"

"No, no, George, that's okay," I said quickly while blushing.

I barely heard him say, "But I was speaking the truth." I got a tingly feeling again.

"So. When is this assignment due?" I asked, stuttering.

"Hmm... I think the day after tomorrow. I think I have everything, though." He got up. "Thank you."

"No, thank you," I said, talking about the compliments that almost gave me a heart stopping sleep of excitement and embarrassment and everything else. "I hope you do great."

"Then after we get them graded, we are gonna say them aloud at a fair if we want." George added, looked at the paper, then looked up. "I think I will."

"Sounds good!" I exclaimed. Then, we walked home together. I ran into the my room, jumped on the bed, and screamed in my pillow. I screamed and screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Kathleen?" My older sister, Elaine, came in. "Are you okay?" She sat next to me, bearing my loud sobbing cries.

"N-n-no!" I managed.

"What's wrong?" Elaine answered. I told her everything and she hugged me. By now I had calmed down. "Oh, Kathy," she said. "It'll be okay."

"B-but what if--" I was cut off by her.

"Shhhh..." She hummed to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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