three | lecture

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I walk into my mathematics lecture room and my eyes immediately start scanning everyone's faces as I look for my only friend, Holly.

Honestly, she's weird as shit. She has decided to become emo because her parents 'won't accept the fact that she is asexual' - her words, not mine.

Her parents actually want her to sleep around.

I don't know her that well because she hardly speaks - except when someone says something offensive to or about her - but I like her because she listens to my problems and sometimes helps me plait my hair in the mornings. Plus, she knows about my job and doesn't question why I kill people.

I feel like even though we're not super close, she would still help me hide a body if needs be. If that ain't friendship, I don't know what is.

I find Holly sitting in the far back and I chuckle to myself as I make my way to where she is. Holly's eyes are a gorgeous bright blue colour that I would kill for, and it's basically the only colour that can be found on her - her clothes, hair and jewelry are black. I bet if she could make her eyes permanently black, she would. It's like she decided in the womb that black was her colour.

I fall into the seat beside her and she glances over at me and nods her head as a way of greeting me. I smile at her and quickly pull my textbooks out of my bag when I see my lecturer walking in.       

The lecturer starts talking about integrals and I zone out, and allow my eyes to wonder over the different people in my class.

The best thing about sitting in the back is that you can see everyone, but the class is so huge that it's almost impossible to find someone. Unless they're wearing all black and have a 'kill me now' expression on their face all the time - like Holly.

I search for Elijah. All I have to do is look for his gorgeous face and perfect black hair. He is pretty hard to miss, mainly because he is always surrounded by girls.

My eyes find him and a part of me wishes I didn't. He is sitting only a few rows forward with his mouth attached to some girl.


Ha, I guess he might as well enjoy the last few days he has to live.

I need to get him alone which is basically impossible. Lately he has been surrounded by more girls than usual. Maybe they know he's gonna die and so they're all trying their luck before he is gone.

Psht, if they knew I wouldn't be a very good hitman or hitwoman or whatever you call it.

I pull out a piece of paper and write a little note for him.

Hey, Eli.

Long time no talk. Can I just see you after class? I want to ask you something.

- B

I crumple up the note and throw it as hard as I can and, as expected, it hits Elijah's head. He pulls away from the girl he was kissing and frowns, looking around. His eyes go down to the paper that hit him, which is now lying on the floor.

He frowns and looks around to see who threw it at him, but his eyes don't meet mine so I can't tell him to read it.

Luckily, he is a smart cookie, so he opens the note and reads it, then turns his head to look at me.

He looks slightly confused but I smile and nod, so he gives me a thumbs up, smiling back.


Elijah stands right outside the door of the lecture hall, leaning against the wall, waiting for me.

I smile at him once again, not really sure what to say at first. I should have thought about what I was going to say, but I didn't.

"So, I uh, I don't know what happened between us or why we suddenly stopped talking but I miss you and we should go out to a movie or something..." I suggest.

Elijah frowns, looking confused. "You miss me? I see you every day." He chuckles slightly.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah but, I mean, we used to be so close and now we hardly even look at each other," I explain. I need a reason to get closer to him and alone with him without it being too suspicious.

"Alright? What about that carnival going on at Maine?" he suggests.

I nod and smile. I wanted to go to that, but I know Holly would never go with me and I don't want to go alone.

Elijah yawns and leans against the wall. "Fuck, I have been trying so hard to stay awake in class but it's almost impossible."

I chuckle. "Yeah, you looked really exhausted with your tongue in that girls mouth."

"Hey, I mean, I did want to go to bed... with her..."

I cringe slightly. "I really did not need to know that."

He shrugs and smiles at me. Damn, that beautiful smile. It's going to suck to not be able to see that smile ever again.

"So I'll meet you next week at the carnival then. Let's go to the one on Friday," he says.

I nod. "Okay. Just give me your number in case anything changes." I hold out my phone and he quickly types in his number before walking away.


T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx
I n s t a g r a m : laylaawrites
Y o u t u b e : xThePineappleGirlx

Lots of love and jelly tots - xThePineappleGirlx

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