forty four | maybe

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He quickly pulls away from the kiss. "Wait, are you just kissing me so that I get over you?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Uh, w-well, I... Yeah."

He chuckles and turns to face away from me. "You do know that it'll only make me like you more. How could I not? Your lips are so... soft."

"Sorry." His lips are soft, too.

"Are you okay, Bree? I mean, what happened back there was... horrible. Can I do anything to make you feel better?"

"Tonight was a mess," I admit and nod. "Please take me home?"

We both walk to the car and he opens the door for me. I climb in and melt into the comforting leather seats of his car.

Elijah climbs into the drivers seat and starts the engine. Music starts playing from the radio and I close my eyes, paying attention to the lyrics of the love song.

It's funny how it's always crazy in love or heartbroken, what if I'm in love and it's breaking my heart?

After a few minutes, everything becomes softer as I fall asleep.

I walk in darkness with no idea where I am going. All I can hear is laughter— the kind of laughter you'd hear from inside an insane asylum.

As I continue towards the emptiness, I feel dry, calloused hands grab me. They grab my ankles, my wrists, my waist, my mouth, my hair.

The laughter gets louder and the hands become stronger, until I can't walk anymore. They try to pull me down, and I try to fight it, but it's almost impossible.

"Stop!" I feel tears sliding down my cheeks as I scream for help, but nobody can save me from this.

How can you save someone when it's this dark? How can you save someone who doesn't know where they're going? How can you save someone when you don't know what to save them from?

So I stop fighting. I let the hands pull me down to a new destination. It doesn't matter what happens anymore. Why fight it?

Suddenly the darkness becomes a strange human-form. The hands continue to hold me down as the figure comes closer. My body shakes in fear. I see the blood on the walls, the headless bodies on the floor and the smiling faces of murderers looking down at me.

"You're one of us," they sing. "Do you like the taste of blood? It's so sweet."

"No," I whisper. "No. No. No."

The shape gets closer, and wraps itself around me, making it hard to breathe.

I scream as loud as I can and my eyes fly open. I look around and notice I'm in my bedroom. It was a dream.

I stare up at the plain white roof above me, feeling my racing heart slow down ever so slightly.

My lip quivers and I shut my eyes, feeling tears slide down my face. What the hell was that?

The door creaks open, allowing light from the living room in. Elijah walks into my room with a concerned frown on his face.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him, leaning up on my elbows to look at him.

"Are you okay?" he whispers, stepping closer to me.

I sit up. "What are you doing here?" I ask him again, avoiding his questions.

"After everything that happened to you, I didn't want to leave you alone so I stayed," he explains.


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