thirty seven | poetry

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I wake up the next morning and groan, grabbing my phone to check the time.


I jump out the bed when I realize I'm late, and shower and change as fast as I can.

When I arrive at university, I run into the class and the lecturer stops talking and turns to look at me. "Glad you could join us," my lecturer says. I'm pretty sure he doesn't know my name.

There are a lot of students taking this course, so I can't blame him.

I give him an apologetic smile and look around for a place to sit. Jamie waves and points at an empty seat next to him, and I make my way to it.

A few girls glare at me as I go, and I'm not sure if it's because I get to be friends with the 'popular' group or because Jamie saved a seat for me.

I only see Jamie as a friend, but I am not blind, so I have to admit that he is attractive. With his blond hair, green eyes and broad shoulders, even I have to admit he is easy on the eyes.

I sit down and Jamie grins and bumps his shoulder against mine. "Hey, ninja girl," he whispers.

"Hi," I whisper and pull out my textbook. I really need to start studying more, but I'd rather watch movies. "Thanks for saving a seat for me."

Elijah leans forward, sitting a few seats away, and looks at me. I look back at him and raise my eyebrow.

He winks, making me smile.

He smiles back and then turns to listen to the lecturer again.

Jamie leans closer. "You like him, don't you?" he whispers to me.


"Oh, please. You say that, but your body and your eyes say otherwise."

"Mmm, didn't know eyes could speak," I whisper.

"They can. Eyes can say everything that words can't."

"When did you become all poetic?"

He throws his arm around my shoulders. "It's not poetry. It's chemistry. It's biology. It's psychology. Love is beautiful, you have to embrace it."

"I'm not in love with Elijah," I say too loud and, once again, everyone turns to stare at me.

I turn to look at Elijah, to see his expression, but he is the only one in the class who isn't looking at me.

"You three," the lecturer growls, pointing to Jamie, Elijah and I. "Get out of this class and come back when you have realized this isn't high school. Out." He points to the door.

All three of us gather our stuff and walk out the class in silence. This feels a lot like the walk of shame.

Once were outside, I try to say something, but Elijah speaks first. "Thanks, now the entire class knows. Does that make you feel better? I mean, really, Bree? I get it. You feel nothing."

"I didn't mean to say it so loud. Jamie was teasing me about it and I was—"

"Don't worry about it. It's fine," he says and walks off.

"Sorry, I won't tease you about it anymore. This is my fault," Jamie apologizes and hugs me. The fact that he is tall makes this hug so much better.

"It's not your fault. I think you're right, I might feel something for Elijah. It's not love, but it's not just a friendship either," I admit. Although I don't think I can ever tell Elijah that.

If I didn't have to kill him, I would kiss him without a doubt. Of course I have some feelings for Elijah. We have spent so much time together in the past and I know he is an amazing person, so obviously some kind of feeling would grow.

Still, I have to ignore those feelings, and do what I have to do.

I'm really good at ignoring my feelings.

"Wait, so you actually like Elijah?" Jamie asks. "I knew it."

I sigh. "Please don't tell him. I don't know what these feelings are, but I'm sure they'll fade. Elijah and I can't be a thing no matter what."

"I won't tell him, but you and him are going to happen. I'll make sure of that." He winks. "Even if it means I have to lock you two in a room together again."

I shove his shoulder playfully, making him laugh.

"Oh, by the way, Alex's party starts at seven tonight. Do you know what you're going to wear?"

I shrug. "I'll find something in my cupboards. I have a black dress. It should be fine."

He sighs and folds his arms across his chest. "Should be fine?" he repeats. "That's definitely not good enough."

I roll my eyes. "Then you buy a dress."

"Okay," he agrees.

"Wait, no. I was jo—"

"Too late, you already said it. Alex wouldn't let me buy one for her. I want to feel proud that I chose it when you wear it. Please? It'll be amazing, I promise."

"No bright colours, okay?"

He smiles. "Okay."

"Thank you, Baby J. You're amazing."

"Anything for you," he says and winks.

"I'll drop it off later," he says and makes his way out the university. "Oh, by the way, Elijah is your date tonight!" he adds and then steps out the doors and into the parking.

"Great," I mumble sarcastically.


HI GUYS! Long time no see!! I miss Wattpad and writing and reading. I just want to get lost in it again. Maybe I will soon.

T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx
I n s t a g r a m : laylaawrites
Y o u t u b e : xThePineappleGirlx

Lots of love and jelly tots - xThePineappleGirlx

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