"Oh my goodness." I said, looking at her in dismay. Christy starts crying, and I can see in her, in the way she cried, in the way she held his hand that she loved him. I don't know what to say, so I just hug her. "Why does everyman I meet have to cheat on me!" She said "I really loved him Marina!" I sigh. "I know you did." I say. "I can tell. Everything gave it away. And Christy, I can tell that he loved you too." She sighs with a single tear dripping down her cheek. We sit in silence looking off into nowhere.."I miss him" She says camly looking at the water collide with the sand and the sun setting into it with the glimmer of it so beautiful you can't even look at it for more than 5 seconds. "I know you do." I say looking at the water and the sun too. We then go back to staying silent, for another 5 minutes before one of us says anything. "Should we go?" I ask. "No" She says still looking at the water. "Ok" I say and then I go off looking into the distance again too. After 15 minutes of silence and staring, the other boys and the other girls come over and look at us. Daniel isn't there, and Jonah and the other boys look at me and says "So he told her." "Wait! WHAT" I say with my face getting red and my eyes getting blood shot. "YOU KNEW?!" I say with the other girls looking very confused with their "lover". Jonah sighs and the other boys look away. "I didn't think it was my place to tell, and I really didn't want to break his trust" He looks at the other boys but has a weird look on his face but still doesn't say anything. "OK.FINE!" Said Zach "We knew!" Said Corbyn "WHAT?" I said "THEY KNEW?!" "I'm sorry Marina! It's just...We love Daniel, and we're a band, and we all share secrets, and we all trust each other, and you got to understand, that we're like you girls. We have secrets and we tell them to each other." Said Jonah "And... Daniel...He loved Christy" "He...Loved me?" She said smiling. "NO!STOP!LOOK WHAT YOU MADE HER DO!" I said screaming my butt off. "STOP GETTING HER HOPES UP! " I said "Leave!" -"But Marina let me explai- " LEAVE!" I said crying. Jonah looked at me and left .He went the direction where I saw Daniel crying. I start crying and then Christy starts crying and then the other girls start crying. Jack goes to hug Amelia but then she pushes him off and also yells "LEAVE" The rest of the girls also say that,and then the boys leave to the limo. We all see them crying and then we all stay in the dark with the sunset over staring at the over sunset crying. We all cry for another 25 minutes, and then Joe comes over to us and says "We're gonna head out, call me or any of the boys to come back for you. It's not a problem, so don't be scared too. Ok?" We all nod and then he gives us a half smile and leaves. As the limo pulls out I see Jack's forehead leaning on the window, I remember how Jonah kissed me and then I remember the way he smiled at me. I miss him. We all kind of calm down at this point and then we stare at the black clear water. "I miss him" I say finally. Gianna sighs "Don't we all" she says. We all keep staring, and then I get a call from Corbyn, and I sigh and then turn it off and put my phone back in my purse. I get another call from Corbyn and do the same. The 3rd time I get the call, Gabby looks at it and says "Oh, Marina just answer it. I don't think it's possible for anyone to cause anymore damage." I look at her than at all of them. I answer the phone. "Marina." Said Corbyn Crying. "J..J...Jonah and Daniel...were...were...shot."