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The morning was a bit tense and quiet, and I couldn't help but feel it was because of me. No one really talked, and avoided eye contact.

I guess they thought I'd not want to talk to anyone or something.

Aaron only whispered a few things, the tense atmosphere must have been obvious to him too, and he kept on staring at the floor.

I eventually got fed up and decided to go outside alone. I walked silently to the horse's paddock and sat on the fence. They were all out early, with Layla scooping up their muck in the second field.

I watched her for a bit and sighed, at least she seemed happy where she was. And hopefully she still thinks I'm happy too. Honestly if someone told her what's been going on I'm going to flip.

My thoughts were interrupted by the horse's walking up to the fence. Noah sniffed at my pockets looking for a treat and I smiled as I stroked his cheek for a while.

"I'll never see you again will I?" I wondered with a sigh, before itching his ear. "You've had a good life for a horse anyway."

"How about you take him out for one last ride?" Layla's voice made me jump, and I turned to see her leaning against the fence.

"I don't have time for that." I smiled at the idea.

"Not even a quick turn around the show jumping course?" She raised a brow and I frowned.

"Tacking up would take all the time we have left, besides I doubt you have sutible tack for this guy left in working condition."

"Yeah, and we never did, Noah's a tackless boy." She smiled and I bit my lip.

"You want me to go around a jumping course with no tack?... I'd give them all a heart attack." I worried.

"They'll survive, just one time."

"Fine, for you." I gave in and she squeeked.

"Great! I'm taking Jess."

"Really? But she's crazy."

"We're perfect for each other!" She replied as she jumped up to her, making Jess fling her head up.

Well, she's going to die.

I patted Noah's neck before grabbing onto his long mane and lifting myself up. He snorted in response before trotting after Jess who was shooting out of the gate.

No one was outside yet as we made our way across the gravel towards the sandy arena. Layla had obviously just put these jumps up.

"These are rather high..." I pointed out as she struggled to keep Jess still enough to open the latch to the gate.

"It'll be fun! Live a little! Be spontaneous!" She listed as she flung the gate open, and Noah followed the hyper horse lazily as she bolted off between the jumps."Come on! Before they notice." She encouraged and I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"You're making me feel like I'm doing something illegal." I commented as I circled the arena and watched as she jumped a smaller fence.

"In your overprotective step brothers eyes I'm sure you are!" She chuckled and I smiled before leading Noah over the same smaller jump.

I heard the unlocking of a car as Layla turned towards a larger jump, and Jess flew over it before giving a little fiesty buck.

"Come on, chicken! " Layla taunted as I quickly glanced to the front of the house.

"I have to go.."

"Baaakk baaakk." She clucked and I snorted and rolled my eyes before leading Noah towards the jump in determination.

Conflicted (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now