Chapter 13

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I lay on the sofa, leaning on Luca who was sat leaning against his fist with his elbow on the arm, falling in and out of sleep. I had spent the last half an hour texting Erin while literally using Luca as a pillow. I can't be very comfortable but Luca hasn't said anything about it so I stayed leaning my back and head against his side while my legs were on the opposite arm. 

Seriously adults are boring, how can you just sit there. I know he looks really tired and stressed and everything but why doesn't he just go to bed. I should probably be feeling guilty because it may be my fault but I don't understand why everyone cares so much. Seriously I thought I was a burden, it's not like I have a job or anything, I just sit here and use all of their resources.

Erin: y don't u go in2 town?

Erin texted me and I sighed. 

Can't, being watched -.-

Erin: OMG WHUT? :O 

I chuckled at his reply and felt Luca stir. 

Don't worry, I think I am supposed to be aware of the watcher. Otherwise they haven't picked a very good hiding place ;D 

"What are you doing?" Luca asked in a agitate tone as I sent the text and I put the phone into one of my pockets. "Umm..Nothing" I said quickly and started getting up, but Luca pulled me down again. 

"Who are you texting?" he asked sternly and I looked up at him. "A friend" I replied and he frowned. "An old friend, or a new one?" he pushed and I rolled my eyes at him. "A new, why?" I raised a brow at him and then turned my head back to a more natural position. 

"You mean that guy people keeping catching you with?" he tightened his grip around my chest and I huffed at him. "If I say no will you feel better?" I smiled as I looked up at him again and he was giving me a pissed face. 

Do I have to tell all of them Erin isn't a terrorist or what?

"Please don't go and see him or anything Riley, stay here and don't get in any trouble for a few weeks ok? Heck make that don't get into trouble, period" he mini ranted and I rolled my eyes at him, getting up when he moved his arm. 

"I'm going to try find my bird, is that okay with you?" I smiled at him and he gave me a suspicious look before standing up. "Fine, but I'm coming with" he said as he crossed his arms and I smiled at him. "Fine, she attacks strangers though" I said innocently as I walked to the front door and he widened his eyes. 

Ha, his face is priceless.

"She didn't attack me the other day" he stated and gave me a unimpressed look. "Well, she was inside and you know, can't fly" I explained and he looked unsure. I smiled at him before walking out of the door and into the front drive. 

The area was quiet now and I only had to walk a tiny bit to pick up familiar squawking. Ana was flying overhead and I smiled, looking up to the sky. Luca was looking at her nervously and I chuckled. 

I was hoping for her to come down and say hi, but I was scared that she wasn't going to. We haven't been all that close lately. A louder squawk interrupted my thoughts and I jumped, turning to see spread wings and talons headed right for me. I held my arm out and seconds later a falcon was resting on it and blinking at me curiously. 

"Hello there" I smiled happily at her and stroked her head with a finger. Ana looked Luca's way for a short second then decided to ignore him, obviously accepting they weren't threats. "Doesn't seem to be attacking me, unless giving me the cold shoulder is it's best technique" Luca said after a while and I rolled my eyes at him. 

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