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Aw man, I've got a presentation tomorrow yet I'm up till near 1 AM writing this...I have messed up priorities.

Anyways it was either post it unproofread or wait for a few days until I had the time, hoping yall will appreciate this option lol

I say that and there's a hilarious typo that I don't have the time to edit lmao


The rest of my time at hospital was pretty uneventful.

Aaron stayed as much as he could, but you could tell as time went on he was less anxious. Probably assuming if something was going to happen it would have happened by now.

Kiba visited a lot, he seemed just as bored as I was.

Aaron didn't seem to like him that much. Which was strange seeing as Kiba seemed almost too friendly towards him.

He really wouldn't talk much when Kiba or Genevieve were in the room. Which was a shame, nothing wrong with making a few friends to pass the time.

It's easy to forget that he's actually pretty shy. Especially because he seems so confident when it's just us and his family.

Well, distrusting might be a better word for it.

I was even allowed to take the bandage off. They treated my injury with surgical glue instead. The idea made me uncomfortable but it's certainly better than getting stitches. Ow. I had to wear an eye patch on my worst eye, it wasn't quite ready to be exposed to the air yet.

Eventually I was discharged. I was a bit nervous about it.

I was given a pair of light sensitivity glasses. Or you know, sunglasses. And what was basically a thick blindfold with plastic to wear at night to stop me rubbing my eyes.

I needed to see the optician every two weeks. To monitor the state of my eyes.

I didn't have my eyes covered any more, but my vision was still blurry and unfocused. Which was stressful. I had the intense subconscious urge to pull my eye patch off, like that would miraculously solve it or something.

Luca was supposed to be there at the hospital when I was discharged, but he didn't turn up. Aaron didn't seem to care at all but I found it a bit frustrating.

This resulted in the doctor not giving me the heavy painkillers just, well, average ones. Which was fair enough, it's a lot to trust a family of adolescents with a bunch of powerful painkillers, especially when the one that was going to be looking after them didn't show up.

Technically, I could pick the doses up daily, but that's a ton of effort, especially because I don't have a car...or a license.

To be honest I really wouldn't trust myself with a car. Despite the fact I'm practically blind at the moment, I mean.

They really made it seem they were doing me a favour by discharging me early. They said they were going out on a limb by trusting the brothers to look after me. Which was bullshit, they wanted to get rid of me, and they didn't give a shit about my home life.

Although, when I displayed a little discomfort at the idea of going back to the house, the nurse went as far as to ask Aaron to leave the room, and then asked me if I was being abused or something. It was alarming, but I guess if I was actually in that situation I'd really appreciate it.

Aaron seemed a little displeased when I told him what she said, don't think he quite understood it was just procedure and not that personal.

If I thought it was bright in the hospital, it was nothing compared to the sunny day outside. Even with the sunglasses on it hurt like a bitch.

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