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It was on the third day of our vacation while we were all laying out in the sun after our game of beach volley with a few of the guys that Rachel and Sandy found that was more than interested in having a little fun with beautiful girls. But after I let them know that I wasn't interested in dating either of them they got bored of the game knowing that neither of them was gonna get lucky with us, so they left. I looked over at my girlfriends and said wasn't that just like a group of men, only wanting to have fun with girls if they thought they were gonna get lucky with them. 

So instead we all just decided to tan a little more which was fine by me, now that we have been vacaying here for three days I was already getting a very nice tan. Sandy already had a good tan before we got there because she tanned a lot back home. Kim and Rachel were fair complected and it was a little harder for them to get a good tan, but here in Mexico, I told them that we would all have excellent tans to take home with us. We were all resting peacefully under our umbrella's to get a small break from the hot sun when a group of guys walked passed us with a camera crew. One of the guys stopped and stepped back a few steps to where he was standing over me and looked down at me in my sexy two-piece bikini and slightly began to drool I slightly opened my eyes under my sunglasses and noticed him lurching above me, I slowly pulled my sunglasses down to get a better look at him, but I didn't get a chance to say anything because whoever he was, he wasn't bashful and in full flirt mode.

He slid in beside me as the other guys that were talking with him watched and laughed amongst themselves. He rolled in closer as he colorfully introduced himself to me by saying he was my destiny, and that I was made for him. Even though I thought he totally lost his mind, I couldn't help but notice how sexy he was, and he had a million dollar smile. I asked him jokingly if that pick-up line he used worked at all on girls because it sure wasn't doing much for me. He ignored my comment and placed my hand in his and said he was Criss as he kissed the top of my hand. By that time all my girlfriends were now sitting up and watching this guy hit on me in front of them. He was so charming in his own silly way I couldn't help but smile at him and he was a very sexually attractive specimen and I do believe I was doing a little internal drooling of my own.

After I stopped talking to him, he still lingered close to me and continued to talk about who he was and all the crazy shit that he did in the past, and his reason for being in Mexico this time. When he told me and my friends that he was here to see if he could survive being keelhauled while being buckled up in a straitjacket. We all thought he was full of shit, or batshit crazy for even thinking of doing something that dangerous and just to see if he could do it without drowning. For as well off as we all were, none of us had ever been to Las Vegas, so we never heard of Criss Angel before, but after hearing about him thru himself, I couldn't help but be fascinated, intrigued, and ultimately turned on by his creative and very determined positivity.

But he was interrupted by his team, by telling him that he was going to be late and that he did have a time frame that he had to complete the episodes he planned on doing while in Mexico. Criss gave a sigh and hopped out of the beach bed I was in, and reached out for my hand as he kissed it again and said he really hoped that I would be there during his little demonstration because he said if I was there he knew he could do it successfully, then maybe he could take me out for dinner and something maybe a little more fun afterwards. Then he headed off with a bunch of guys but managed to turn around and blow me a kiss then hollered back to me and asked me what my name was...I hesitated momentarily, but all my friends helped me out by telling him that my name was Kaylina Collins, but all of my friends called me Kay or Kc.

Criss smiled at me one more time as he said later, Kc with a slight smirk on his face as he winked at me. Then we all watched as two of the guys laughed at him as they slapped him on the back telling him that he was a dog when it came to the ladies. By the way, they were acting with him I was thinking either they were childhood friends like me and my girlfriends, or they were related. As soon as they were gone, all the girls were laughing as they were telling me how lucky I was for getting a sexy guy like that to hit on me, then they said we all were so going to go to his demonstration to watch him tomorrow. 

I looked at all of my friends as they had that look on their faces and I knew they were all officially playing matchmaker for me and no matter how much I ignored or told them no, I wasn't going to win this battle because I couldn't fight all of my friends and it seemed that none of them were going to back me up on this one, so I tossed my hands in the air and told them FINE! I would go just to make them all happy, but there was NO WAY that I was going to let that smooth talking guy take me on any date! But it was so obvious that I was lying because I couldn't even fool myself this time. 

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