My Underworld

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Lines twisting,

and turning,

 spots of hot blistering light,

 beaming directly towards the center of my iris,

turning my world into a blinding view of unexciting thoughts,

 that lie somewhere far in the underworld of my own mind.

The taste of death slowly evaporates the demonish fumes,

squeezing all air,

 hopelessly, out of my crippled lungs,

snatching my last breathe of the words i was trying to speak from underneath me.

Remembrance gives the mind and amazing experience,

but my mind sadly lacks cooperation with its inner demons.

Locked up ahilhuatnations throw their sharp soul haunting images of bleeding faces,

that just never let you forget,

that demon the world created,

the one that watches you torture your soul,

 while he just sits there with a teriffing grin on his face,

 not speaking a single word,

destroying the natural flow of my soul,

 Turing it a cold,

bitter black,

till that one gust of wind blows away any evidence of my souls existence,

taking away everything in one big hand disintegrating the remains,

leaving nothing more than a grain of sand,

followed by a aggressively rotted odour of once were to be my soul.

His face grows with a petrifying crooked tooth smile,

 as he reaches his pale deformed hands edging closer and closer towards my trembling mind,

the piercing sound of words crashing hard,and shattering into the inner tissue of my skull,

 sending my body in a extremely painful bloody shock.

Uncontrollable shakes,

 sided by a lack of oxygen,

slowly released a great war fighting for my very own existences.

My mind murders off dark shadows but when one beast falls,

 three vicious creathers rise,

without any thought your being taken down by a army of angry,


monstrous souls,

doing nothing but sending rocks soaring throw the air like bullets,

 shattering the only little bit of hope left in my mind,

pathetically exhausted,

 from painful attempts to recognize any possible sense of emotion,

resulted in a gruesome sick game in ones eyes.

While laying there trembling my mind began to crumble into the sand,

knowing that in no way am i capable for appliqueing that smile that avoids the trigger button of my expiry date,

that grabs hold of a severely sharp explosive,that's built up of every emotion,


things that caused regret,

memories that you spent your life to forget.

Fixed thoughts screeching,

know where to run,

you cant escape,

cant forget how collapsing upon the black floor,

 felt like the great bomb exploded somewhere within the underworld of my mind,

tossing severed flesh and chunks of my mutilated body,

shredded all over that clammy dream tearing death trap,

created by more then just a human.

Hes a figure gliding freely,

 with a inappropriate look of happiness filling his black glossy eyes,

when this crooked tooth monster,

plastered every spot in your home with gasoline,

just one flame would end these inhuman games,

 and you could just slowly disintegrate.

 Instead i lie here half alive,

watching him smile with no dis-pare,

 lighting that match,

 chuckling with a ear piercing sceach,

I'm slowly losing my grip on reality,

it was as if this greedy beast,

 was absorbing powers by transforming my fears,

my regrets,

my weakest points,

into the beast that stands right before my eyes,

slowly fading into the smoky crumbling down home,

leaving nothing behind but a very faint soul taking chuckle,

leaving my final thoughts at I'm a disgrace,

and about to disintegrate,

 as i watch his evil face,

drown all thoughts of my mind,


and soul till the world went black.

Writtin by Kyla Lynn Filbey

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2014 ⏰

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