Chapter 6

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Jong-Suk POV.

My father asked me to keep an eye out for Y/N because it was apparently her first time traveling.

Once I realised that this girl on the bus freaking out on me was the same girl I followed the other night to make sure she got home safe, I felt like shit. First I stood her up and now I bummed her over by accident.

I followed her around to get her attention but my god this girl was feisty.
She stared calling me a stalker so I decided to keep my distance.

I still watched her from a far, her movement and the way she walked was really cute.
I arrived with her in kyoto but she looked lost though, almost like she was searching for someone.

At some point It almost looked like she was searching for me, but I doubt she was.
I saw her sitting at the pool staring at a group of girls and suddenly looked really disappointed.
I saw how she pulled her face funny and stood up.
I quickly hid behind the wall so that she won't see me.

I was following her the whole day but it kind of looked like she was a bit down.


Sitting here with my sketch book infront of me trying to appreciate the beautiful scenery.

Why do I feel so empty all of a sudden?
I feel so alone, I miss when I was younger when I was waiting for my father to come back home.
I wonder if this is how he felt when he was away sitting alone in a hotel room?

My head and heart started to feel heavy and my chest had a nervous feeling.
I missed my father so much, tears started rolling down my face and I started to feel sick.
I closed my book and stood up to take a shower, I stood there and allowed my tears to flow with the the running water. After about 5mins I got out and got dressed, got my things and head out.

I decided to go to a therapist seeing that I've never went to one after my fathers death.
The depression is getting harder on me and I'm coping less.
I spend an hour in a womans office laying on a couch telling her the story I've never thought I would ever tell anyone.

I looked around and there was photos of her and her family, they all looked so happy.
As I was laying there I realised, what's the use of talking to a woman I would probably never see again?
What's the point of talking about my heartache when all she'll do is write me medicine and when I leave she'll forget my face and go back to her family.

I stopped talking, she asked me how I was handling everything but I couldn't answer her because I wasn't sure.
She wrote me anti-depretion pills and some sleeping pills, I took the paper and scoffed, what did I expect?

She took my hand and said." I know I can't take away your pain or bring back your father, I know you probably think I don't care and just listen to people's problems and write prescriptions. But just remember heartache is something only you can fix only you are capable of accepting happiness or not. Life is a cruel place and we all are in a battle some just handle it differently, what I am saying is try to find the happiness and good in life and you'll see you will look at things differently you'll even help people to get through a situation similar to yours because you've been there. Life is not easy but hold on to the things that makes you happy and remember talking about your pain is the best way to get most of the heartache out. One last thing remember to smile, think of something that makes you smile because that's the best medicine. Don't be to hard on yourself hun, I know it's hard because I also lost my father when I was young and I've learned to accept it, I look at his photo every morning, greet him and ask him to be with me."

I was sobbing like a baby while she whiped my face and hugged me.

Her hand was on my head "It's okay to cry never be afraid to cry. " She pulled back and cupped my face.
"I might be a therapist but I do understand, I am human to so I know how heartache can break a person but you have to decide if it would make or break you. "

I nodded and thanked her, I never thought about things that way.
When I left I thought about what she said and it made me feel abit better.

I got my medicine and went to a coffee shop to have some coffee and something to eat.
I opened a note that she gave me and it said.
"It would take time to heal but take it easy and take care of yourself, you're still young and so beautiful. I wish you all the love and Happiness in the future and that you would find someone to love you endlessly. Age with grace. xx"

I smiled and wipe the last escaping tear on my Cheek.
I took my father's photo I have in my wallet and stared at him. "I miss you Abeoji."

The waiter brought my food and I tried to eat but my appetite was gone.
I was sitting there with my one hand under my chin supporting my head and the other hand poking my food with my fork.

I was in thought when suddenly I heard a familiar voice ask. "Don't you like the food?"
When I looked up it was him smiling at me, my heart felt happy seeing him for reason.
I just kept on staring at him, he tilt his head. "Don't you like it?"

I was confused with his question. "Huh?"

He smiled and pointed to the food I was poking for about 10mins.
I looked down. "Oh no I was just in thought, I was hungry but my appetite is gone."

He pulled the chair out and sat infront of me but I kept on staring.
His face was so perfect he looked like an Anime character.

He didn't say a word he just kept quiet and stared back.
There was a silent stare between us for about 10 seconds but he didn't loose his smile.
He broke the silence and asked. "Are you okay?"

I quickly nodded and looked down.

"I'm sorry, I am so rude I just sit without asking."

I nodded. "It's okay, you can join."

He gave me that cute smile again.
"You looked lost today, are you sure you're okay?"

Wait so he was watching me while I looked like an idiot searching for him?

I scoffed."Yes I am fine." I was irritated with the fact that I was thinking about him the whole freaking time looking for him and he just watched me in secret?

He gave a tiny chuckle. "Im sorry I probably sound like a stalker again, I was at the pool earlier but I didn't want to bother you or be creepy again."

Why do I feel irritated with him right now?
I shoot him a glare and asked the waiter for the check.

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