Chapter 8

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How did he know my name?

I was sitting there contemplating with myself trying to figure out how on earth he knew my name.

Then it hits me... his bag!

I was staring at him as my eyes grew bigger I pointed at him tilting my head.
He kept on smiling and eating, ignoring my ridiculous reaction.

He placed his chopsticks down wiped his mouth and smiled. " My name is Jong-Suk I am Han-kyu's son."

My mouth dropped, so I've been embarrassing myself infront of manager Han-kyu's son.
aish, I lowered my head and covered my face with my hair releasing tiny noises arguing with myself.

I heard a chuckle coming from him and his hand removed my hair.
I looked at him and my heart just kept on skipping beats.
I started to fan my face.
"Yah, it's getting really hot inside the hotel, I think I should leave. "
I quickly stood up but he grabbed my arm, I slowly looked at him.
"You should rest some more, I'll leave."He let go of my arm and just walked out.

I phoned nurse CJ and asked her about the whole situation.
She released a deep sigh.
"I was worried about you, when I heard that Jong-Suk is also planning a trip I asked his father if he can change his trip to the same places you were planning. Jong-Suk was asked to keep an eye on you to make sure you're safe."

My blood started boiling, I wasn't sure which part made me angry.
Him, not telling me the truth and kept on showing up.
The fact that Nurse CJ asked him to follow me and he had to change his plans to watch me like a kid or the fact that I fell for this guy not knowing it was the same guy I was supposed to go on a date with.

I was so angry and I shouted at nurse CJ. " I am not a kid, I can look after myself." I hunged up and left his room.
I have never raised my voice or talk down on nurse CJ and I know she meant well because she cares.

But why did I feel so stupid about this?
Did I honestly think this guy helped me because he wanted to?
No he did all of this because he was asked to.


I will play along but I will not speak to him.
I am emotionally wrecked and allowing my feelings to get the best of me now can cause my breakdown.

I went to my room and sat on my bed staring at my phone.
I will phone nurse CJ tomorrow when I'm in a better emotional state.
I went to bed and my body shuted down while I slowly drifted into slumber, I felt drained and I felt like giving up.

Nurse CJ phoned Jong-Suk to find out where you were, she couldn't get a hold of you.
Jong Suk ran to your room knocking but there was no answer.
He ran the whole night hoping to find you but he couldn't.
He felt nervous and he couldn't understand why.

Nurse CJ gave him your number, he tried calling you over 20 times but no answer.
The phone kept going to voicemail.
He finally went back to his room, sat down and tried to phone you one last time while closing his eyes in concern.

There was an answer, a faded weak voice. "yeoboseyo".

His eyes flew opened and he stood up. "Yah; Y/N! Are you okay?"

Your tired voice whispered back. "Aigo, Yes I am fine I was sleeping! Who is this?"

Jong Suk sighed in relieved. "YAH, next time warn me, I was worried sick."



"Who is this?"

Jong Suk stood there with the phone against his ear while his expression on his face fell.

Aigo this girl, she can't just keep quiet." It's Jong-Suk."

"Oh." .... Silence.

"Oh? Yah, you little punk is 'Oh' the only responds you have.?"


"mm. (Yes)"

Jong Suk got nothing out of you, there was complete silence.
He looked at his phone in irritation and decided to walk to your hotel room.

He knocked and knocked but you didn't opened.

"Is she sleeping again?" Aigo.

Jong Suk phoned again and you answered with silence.

Jong-Suk immediately started talking with a loud voice."Yah, you..." when you suddenly interrupted him.

"Yah, you loose lip. Why are you so loud? can I just sleep?"


"I ..uhm."

"You uhm what?" You asked irritated.

"I was worried. " He said with a soft voice. "Why?."

.. Silence.

"This conversation is going no where Jong-Suk, let me just sleep now we'll talk tomorrow. " and you hung up and went back to sleep.

Jong-Suk stood infront of your door confused not knowing what exactly he did wrong but he does remember nurse CJ told him about your father
so he just left it, he just texted Nurse CJ that you were alright and he went back to his room.

Both of you were carrying a heavy burden inside your heart.

You lost your family when you were young so you had much sorrow you had to carry all these years.

But Jong-Suk lost his mother in a fire and he blames himself for his mothers death.

Both of you go to sleep every night with a heavy heart and not knowing how to handle the depression.
You were strangers but carried the same heartache, You were both really strong individuals.
But unfortunately you broke quicker than you thought.

Jong-Suk realised that he wasn't alone with the pain after hearing your story and that's why he wanted to be there for you.
He felt like he had to protect you in some way.


I opened my eyes with the sunlight peeking through the curtains lightly heating up my face.
Why did I feel like not getting up today?

My heart felt heavy so I decided to stay in bed.

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