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I went to the circus every night that week.

By the fourth night, I had a permenetly reserved seat, courtesy of Mr. Barnum. It was right in the front where I could see everything.

On the sixth night, Mr. Barnum introduced me to the cast after the show. They were all curious to meet the girl who came to their show every night.

I met the Bearded Lady first, but she prefered the name 'Lettie'. She was very kind and thanked me many times for coming to the show every night.

"I should be thanking you," I said. "You're the one who brightened up my ordinary world with your preformance. I just watch."

She laughed and smiled at me. She resumed getting out of her costume while Mr. Barnum introduced me to some more people.

"Tom Thumb," he told me, "was the first to join the show." Mr. Barnum explained how he had seen Charles in a bank and a few days later offered him the job. "Tom here was the one who made this possible."

"Thanks, P.T." I admired Tom's uniform as he spoke. It was very well made and obviously custom, which probably made it very costly, but I doubt he knew that. It didn't seem like Mr. Barnum would talk about the cost of things very often.

Next I met the Lord of Leeds, Fedor Jeftichew, and Prince Constantine. The Lord and Prince were playfully arguing while the dog boy stood info the middle turning his head to follow the speaker. When P.T. and I walked up, they stopped.

"Hey, Barnum!" Lord of Leeds said, before he noticed me. "Well, if it isn't our greatest fan. It's nice to finally meet you!" He gripped my hand tightly as she shook it. He looked even bigger up close.

"Call me y/n."

"Forgive this buffoon," Prince Constantine playfully nudged the Lord out of the way as he grabbed my hand. "Prince Constantine," he leaned down and kissed my hand, "at your service."

I just giggled. Up close I could see each of his tattoos. They were mesmerizing. "I like your tattoos," I said. "They're beautiful."

"Why thank you y/n." He smiled at me before turning to the Lord of Leeds and sticking his tongue out.

Fedor had been watching us the entire time and once Prince Constantine had turned slightly away from me, he took the opening and grabbed my hand, shaking it wildly. He didn't say anything, just smiled.

I smiled back. "It's nice to meet you too."

The four men laughed and soon Fedor and I joined in.

Mr. Barnum introduced me to everyone else fairly quickly. There was Chang and Eng Bunker, the conjoined twins; Frank Lentini, the three legged man; Jeff Harris, a juggler; and the Albino twins. When I met the Irish Giant he almost fell on me. They were all captivating.

Eventually, Mr. Barnum said he had to go, something to do with his family. He said I could stay if I wanted but I politely declined.

I almost didn't meet the Wheeler siblings. It was when I was making my way out of the building when I ran into them.

I was startled at first and quietly apologized for running into them but once I realized who they were, I couldn't contain my excitement. "You're the trapeze acrobats!" I almost shouted. "You guys are awesome."

They both looked back at me, shocked filled their faces from what I said and from when I ran into them. They mumbled a thank you.

"I'm y/n, by the way. Y/n y/l/n." I held out my hand to them.

"Oh, you're our reserved seat," Anne realized. I could see them relax quite a bit then. "I'm Anne Wheeler," she shook my hand, "and this is my brother W.D."

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