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Phillip stayed with me during my hospital stay. Occasionally the doctor would take a look at him or ask him to leave briefly while he checked the burns on my back and chest, but other than those times, we were always together. The nurses brought both our meals to my bed even though Phillip was supposed to eat his in the male patients room. When my brothers visited, he sat beside my bed holding my hand and tracing circles into it every now and then. At night, we would both sleep on my bed, his arms around my waist and my head resting on his chest.

Life was comfortable.

I felt a little sad when my parents failed to show up, but I didn't really expect them to come, I just wished that my first twenty years hadn't gone to waste.

Lettie and the others came to visit everyday. They were clearly depressed. Unlike Phillip and I, the circus was the first home they had and now it was gone. They told us that P.T. wasn't doing good. We saw the article in the paper about his 'affair' and how the Jenny Lind tour ended early. Apparently, the bank evicted the Barnum's and Charity took the girls to her father's house, at least according to Lottie.

I was worried about Anne coming to visit. A part of me felt like I was betraying her trust by liking Phillip, but to be fair, I liked him before I even knew Anne.

When Anne came, I told her everything. How Phillip and I grew up together, how I developed a crush on him before he went away to school, how those feeling returned when I saw him again. Most importantly, I told her that I didn't try to jeopardize their relationship and that I really wanted her to be happy.

As soon as I stopped talking, she hugged me. "I don't care, Y/n," she said. "All that matters is that you're okay. I almost lost my best friend."

I was so happy, I pulled her into another hug.

"Besides, I don't think things would have worked out between Phillip and I. It's too complicated for me." We both laughed.

I promised to help her find someone that made her as happy as I felt. She promised to visit me everyday I was in the hospital, and she kept it.

One day, Lettie and W.D. came rushing in. Anne, Phillip and I were sitting on my bed, telling childhood stories.

"We have great news!" Lettie loudly said earning a few glares from the other patients.

"We do too," I said referring to myself and Phillip.

"You go first," she said.

"We're getting out of this place!"

"The doctor cleared us this morning," Phillip added. "Said we could leave tonight if we wanted."

"That's awesome guys!" Lettie grinned giving both of us a hug.

"Not as good as our news though," I heard W.D. laugh.

"What's your news?" I asked still smiling.

"P.T. is getting the circus back!" she shouted smiling as the patients glared at her again. "We were just at the bar, and we talking him into it."

"That's awesome," I said. Phillip was smiling at me so I grabbed his hand.

"When?" asked Anne.

"We're all meeting tomorrow at the old building. P.T.'s going to the bank and then coming to tell us the plan."

"We'll be there," Phillip said, his hand still in mine.


All five of us left together around dinner time. Victor had brought other clothes for me before I even woke up so I wouldn't have to wear my burned dress. Phillip wasn't as lucky. He didn't have anyone at home to bring him clothes. So we went to his house. With a promise to meet up tomorrow, Anne, W.D. and Lettie went home as well.

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