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Going to England has always been a dream of mine, but I never thought that it would actually come true, especially after I left my family. After we had sent a letter confirming that we would come, reality sunk in and I realized they probably wouldn't need a stage hand or if they did, Buckingham palace would have someone and I don't have enough money to pay my own way. I told Lettie all of that and, like all good gossip, word got to P.T. who immediatly came and talked to me.

"Y/n, I have heard a rumour," he said to me one night as we were sitting at his families dinner table. I was curious as to what he was talking about. I hadn't done anything wrong lately. Was someone spreading false stories about me? I knew it couldn't be too horrible though because Helen and Caroline were still at the table.

My curiosity must have been clearly visible as P.T. decided to answer it. "Nothing bad, I promise." He took a deep breath, "did you really think you wouldn't be coming with us?"

I smiled as I let out a breath of air. "Mr. Barnum, I'm not needed on this trip." I explained to him that everything I do could, and probably would, be done by one of the people who work for the palace. I also started mentioning that I didn't have enough money to get my own place let alone go to England but I was interupted.

"-Nope. I won't hear anymore excuses. You're coming with us. You're part of our family now, we need you," he said. "Besides, we're not paying for any of it. The Queen invited us, all expenses covered."


"Of course."

I looked around at the table Charity was smiling at me like she knew this conversation was going to happen before it did. I returned the smile. The girls each had a bowl of ice cream in front of them that was abandoned once they heard I was going to England with the circus.

"I want to go too, daddy," Helen whined.

"Me too!" Caroline added.

I saw P.T. and Charity share a look.

"You two have school," Charity explained. "Besides, Y/n works for daddy. The Queen is only going to pay to have Circus members come to her palace."

I nodded my head, "I'll bring you back some souvenirs."


The boat ride wasn't very special. Besides Fedor getting boat sick, the most eventful thing was our first dinner. Of course, arriving in England was a different story. As soon as we stepped off the boat we were escorted into carriages that took us to the hotel.

The next day, the carriages were to return at noon. I spent the morning getting everyone ready. We didn't exactly know what to expect, so P.T. instructed everyone to wear their costumes, except himself, Phillip, and I who were to be dressed in the best clothes we had.

After I had finished doing Letties hair, I returned to my room to put on my dress.

Being that I left home unexpectedly, I didn't want to bring a lot of suitcases, which led to me only packing the necessities, meaning most of my fancy dresses were left behind. On our trip to England I brought the fanciest dress that remained in my possession. It was light brown and had a wide neck. The sleeves began at the edge of my shoulders and travelled down to crook of my elbow. Dark brown lace covered the edges of them as well as making a nice belt around my waist. The skirt flared out naturally without the wire framing underneath. Over all it was a beautiful dress and I almost prefered it to the elaborate colourful gowns that I had left behind.

Once I had finished getting ready, I returned to the rest of our group to offer assistance to anyone needing help with adjustments.

By one o'clock, we were all walking through the halls of Buckingham Palace. I stood next to Lettie slightly behind P.T.

"Why aren't we in tails?" Lettie asked referring to herself and the rest of the circus cast.

"We are the entertainment," Mr. Barnum stated.

"I don't see you in a costume!" Lettie whisper-shouted.

We turned a corner as two men opened the doors to a room filled with people. A sudden silence covered everyone as they noticed our group, but that wasn't the first thing I noticed. It was the fact that there was no stage.

"Your Majesty," a man from the palace staff announced. "Mr Phineas T Barnum and his... Oddities from America."

We followed P.T. and Phillip as they led the group to the front of the room. Everyone seemed uncomfortable in their costumes and the comments from the crowd didn't help.

"Oh my!"

"Is that real?"

Once we reached the front of the room, Phillip stepped forward to introduce us, "Your Majesty, may I present Mr Barnum."

"The honor is mine, Mr. Barnum" she smiled as P.T. bowed his head. "And I've heard all about your little colonel from my friends in America."

At the incorrect title to his name, Tom spoke up to correct her, "General, ma'am."

"You are even smaller than I imagined," the Queen said in shock.

"Well, you are not exactly reaching the top shelf yourself sweetheart."

A loud gasp was heard throughout the room. My eyes were wide as I looked to the Queen for her reaction.

When she started laughing we all joined in awkwardly with her.

"My, my," she said as her laughter faded. "You really are the funniest General in the world, aren't you? Enjoy the party." With that everyone resumed thier chatter although I could see some send a few nasty glances our way.

I joined all the cast in one of the corners of the room. W.D. was trying to help cover Anne as her costume didn't have any legs or sleeves.

"How did he get it this wrong?" she asked me referring to Mr. Barnum's mistake in having them dress for a performance.

"I'm not sure," I replied. "But at least we got to meet the queen."

She gave me a sarcastic smile before everyone's attention was placed on the same man who had introduced our group. He was speaking again.

"Your Majesty, Miss Jenny Lind."

After the majority of people had returned their attention back to their previous conversations I watched as Mr. Barnum pushed Phillip in front of him as they walked towards the Opera singer.

"What do you think they're doing?" I asked Anne and W.D.

"Don't know," W.D. replied.

"By the look on Phillips face, I don't think it's anything good," Anne said.

"I hope you're wrong."

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