Chapter Ten ; Dirty

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Chapter Ten ; Dirty

The smell of grease filled the dimly lit room as the usual lunch crowd sat along the bar. The food wasn’t why most of these people gathered here it was more so the need for an early beer that brought this crowd in. I was going through the motions – taking orders, servings drinks and handing out the trays smelling of old grease and fat, but I couldn’t stay focused. Joe had been acting extremely odd all afternoon, one minute he would be over the top bossy and kind of an asshole and the next minute he would be way too touchy feely. I couldn’t shake this uncomfortable feeling he kept giving me. “One more day…” I mumbled to myself as he barked orders at me from the other end of the bar. Joe had never acted this way before, in fact most of the time it was like I was invisible. Now he had become so controlling and I couldn’t figure out what had caused his change in tone with me. Did he know I was about to quit? Maybe that is why he was acting so odd. I did my best to push all my thoughts to the back of my mind as I served up a couple more beers to an older group of guys sitting at the bar.

Finally, the lunch rush had dwindled down and there were just a few regulars sitting at the bar watching the TV’s. “Hey Joe, can I talk to you for a minute?” I asked softly as I picked up some of the now empty plates. “Yeah.” He nodded quickly and grabbed a few plates off the bar and motioned towards the kitchen area. I took a deep breath and made my way into the back room. If today was going to be my last shift I needed to let him know in enough time to get someone to cover the rest of my week. Mindlessly, I began washing the dishes in the big slop sink. “So, Joe…” I started but froze when I felt him wrap his arms around my waist. “Don’t be afraid Samara, you can tell me anything.” My stomach started to churn in disgust, it was amazing how the same touch from two different people to cause two completely different feelings. Quickly, I jerked myself away from him, my back now pinned against the large metal sink. “What are you doing?” I spat as I kept myself as far away from him as I could. “It’s that asshole isn’t it?” He grumbled, now sandwiching me between the sink and his body. “What did he do? I will take care of it.” His voice deepened as his placed his hand on my cheek. I instinctively placed both of my hands of his chest and pushed him away as hard as I could. I must have taken him by surprise because he stumbled backwards with a confused look on his face.

“Do not put your hands on me again.” I said, my voice full of confidence. “he is not an asshole he is an amazing man and today is my last day.” I walked past him, my shoulder bumping him as I pushed the door open and headed back out to the bar. There was adrenaline now rushing through my whole body and I had to admit it felt amazing. I had stood up for myself and it felt damn good. As I made my way back behind the bar I could feel his presence and sure enough I looked up right as Liam shut the door behind him. I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth, chewing gently on it as I studied him. He was dressed in dark jeans and his signature leather jacket. My mouth was watering just from looking at him.

“What’s such a pretty girl like you working at a place like this?” He asked, his sweet deep voice like velvet. I quickly rolled my eyes trying my best not to let his silly words effect my body. He had this way about him that seemed to make my body go haywire and I was already high on adrenaline I didn’t need his influence to make it worse. “What are you doing here so early?” I did my best trying to redirect our conversation, but I could tell by the look in his eyes and the way his lips were curled into the perfectly devilish smirk that he wasn’t going to let go. “See there is this girl…” He whispered as he sat down at the bar, leaning in just enough so that only I could hear him. “And she’s unbelievably attractive and she works here. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her again…”

I couldn’t help but let out a giggle, my body seemed to tingle all over as I listened to him speak. “Oh yeah, well if she works here I am sure she will be pretty busy…” I nodded, drying off a few glasses and stacking them behind the bar. “I am sure she can take a break…” He leaned over the bar, pressing his lips to my ear, “Meet me in the bathroom in five.” He whispered before getting up from the bar and heading down the back hallway.

It was like a bolt of electric shot through my body, my legs pressed firmly together trying my best to ease the need between my thighs. My hands seemed to struggle as I tried to finish drying the glasses. I was shaking with excitement, adrenaline and pure lust for that gorgeous man I called mine. As soon as I was finished with the dishes I took my break and slipped into the back hallway. As I stood in front of the men’s and women’s bathrooms I realized I wasn’t one hundred percent sure which he had meant. I chewed roughly on my bottom lip as I pushed the women’s bathroom door open and stepped inside. Before I could even register it, Liam had stepped out from behind the door and locked it, resting his back against it. “Hello there.” His deep voice seemed to float through the air. He pushed himself off of the door, taking his sweet time as he strode towards me. His muscles rolled under his tight t-shirt as he stalked towards me. “You know…you could get in a lot of trouble being in the women’s bathroom.” I whispered, he was so close now I could feel his warm breath on my neck.  “It’s a good thing I locked the door then, huh.” His voice sent chills down my spine. How did his simple words send my body into a frenzy?

Liam reached out and spun me around so that my back was pressed against his strong chest. God, this man was pure muscle. I let my eyes fall shut and took a deep breath, enjoying the warm smoky scent of Liam. It was almost intoxicating how his aroma seemed to overtake my senses; fogging my mind. His hands slowly roamed over my body and suddenly I didn’t mind that we were locked in a women’s bathroom. He made none of that matter, it was like I was an addict and I had finally found my drug of choice. My body seemed to melt against him, begging to get as close as possible to his touch. I craved everything about him. His lips grazed over my shoulder as he buried his face in the nape of my neck – chill bumps covered my skin and my body hummed with approval. “I’ve missed you.” His deep voice carried a huskier tone and I loved it. I loved that I influenced him because god knows he controlled my body in ways I could never understand. “Do you ever miss me?” His husky voice rang through my ears, my body jolting slightly in his arms. “Always…” I whispered, still completely lost in his touch.

His lips curled into a delicious smile as they pressed to my bare skin. “Good. I can’t wait to get you home.” My heart was thumping uncontrollably in my chest, at any moment it could burst though my ribs. “Why is that?” the words seemed to fly from my lips without even thinking. It was like he had full control of me and I loved it. I felt powerful, yet I had no control it was the most intense feeling. His fingers slipped under the hem of my shirt, skimming over my skin along the waist band of my jeans. “I think you know exactly why, Sam.” The way my name rolled off his tongue almost sent me over the edge. I gulped, trying to swallow air into my lungs. “Why do we have to be home for that?” the sound of my voice rang out again and just like the last time the words flew from me like I was under a spell; his spell. His chest shook slightly has a deep chuckle filled the room around me. “Oh my, my girl is being quite dirty.”

Like in a trance I turned around in his arms and started to fall to my knees in front of him. His hands quickly grabbed me, pulling me back to my feet. “But I…” before I could finish speaking he pressed a soft kiss to my lips. This wasn’t our normal kiss this one was soft and loving, like I was made of silk and he didn’t want to damage me. “As much as I love the idea of you on your knees in front of me, I am not about to let you do that in a bar bathroom. Not because I don’t want it….” He nuzzled his face into my neck as his hands grasped my ass. “But I’d be crazy to let my angel on her knees like that.” A small smirk played on his lips as he slowly began pushing me backwards until my back was pinned to the door. “But a guy like me…” He drops to his knees in front of me, his face nuzzling against my inner thighs. “That wouldn’t be an issue.”

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