Chapter 19 ; Dark Place

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(This is the song I listened to while writing this Chapter. But since I am tagging a song I am just going to add some photos here as a view of the vibe I feel for this Chapter. Enjoy!)

Chapter 19 ; Dark Place

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Chapter 19 ; Dark Place

As I paced the hallways of the hospital I began to layout a plan. First off, I needed a car. When you are in this type of business there is a guy for everything but without knowing why Trenton did what he did I was now forced to work off the normal grid. After a few calls I was able to get someone I could trust to send a car for me to use. I gave him two hours. Quickly, I moved on to the next task, the girls. Fuck, I need someone I can trust and right now my list is pretty damn short. For now, as long as the girls stayed put they would be safe. The code to the safehouse changed daily and the only way to get the code each day was to check my phone. Worry seemed to bubble in my chest, causing me to pull up the camera app on my phone to check on them. Both girls were wrapped in a blanket and fast asleep on the couch. Lacy was cuddled into Sam's side as Sam sat up, her phone resting in her hand. I pushed my hands through my hair as I let out a ragged breath. "Just don't give up on me..." I mumbled before shutting off the phone and pulling out the SIM card and battery.

After checking on Alex once more, I made my way out the side door of the hospital and began walking towards the car drop off location. After spotting the vehicle I ran to it and climbed in. I tossed the pieces of my phone into the passenger seat before I grabbed the key from the glove compartment and started the car. There was only one person I could go to for help now and he was a pain to deal with. I peeled out of the spot and drove south, there was no doubt he would be at his warehouse in San Mateo.

The almost two-hour drive gave me a lot of time to think. I was desperate to bring the old Liam back because he could handle this like it was nothing. Cold and emotionless to my core was the way I was until she cracked open something hidden deep inside me. She saved my soul, she dug it out of the dark and warmed me with her kindness. She was like the sun; warm and intense. The only way for me to save her was to step back from her warmth. I needed to feel that dark cold that creeped back into my soul when she was gone. There was only one way for me to get through all this and it would crush me and possibly destroy her.

By the time I made it to San Mateo I had made up my mind - things needed to change.

The sound of gravel under my tires was the only sound filling my ears. The silence that filled the air made my arrival seem even louder. I swung open the car door, straightening my leather jacket before slamming the door shut, making sure my arrival was well known at this point. The lights along the building flooded the area, banishing any darkness from the entrance to the building. As I made my way to the door I could feel myself sliding back into place. This was where I belonged and where I was meant to be.

I pressed the buzzer on the wall by the door and leaned against the doorframe. "Well hello Liam." A male voice mumbled over the speaker. "Open up Marcus." I said flashing the surveillance camera a look that demanded him to obey. Without another word the door buzzed open and I pushed my way into the building. The halls were dark and seemed to go on forever. I moved effortlessly down the hall, my feet carrying me exactly where I needed to go. My hands landed on the heavy metal door, pushing it open with little effort. "Marcus..." I cleared my throat as I made way into the large room lined with computer monitors. In the middle sat a small guy, no taller than 5'8". He had upkept hair and wore thick black glasses. " man... what brings you here?" He said, the anxious tone in his voice was very evident. I drew my brows together giving him a confused look but didn't comment on the way he addressed me. "I need answers. You, my man, are going to get them for me." I said sarcastically as I stepped behand him, giving his shoulder a tight squeeze. "Y-y-yea, anything for you. What can I do for you?" He began rapidly typing on his computer.

"Trenton Stanford. I need everything on him. I want to know where he has been for the last two months, who he has called. Everything." He didn't make a peep, his fingers just continued typing codes, screens popped up all over multiple screens that were placed in front of him. He nervously peeked over her shoulder at me, before pushing his glasses back onto his nose. "Anything specific you are looking for you just all of it?" He asked, his fingers still hammering away at his keyboard. "Everything."

I paced back and fourth across the dirty warehouse floor. My neck cracked loudly as I tried to remain patient. "How long is this going to take?" I growled, glancing at the poor guy. "Um...well..." He mumbled, his fingers tapping loudly. "I can tell you everything from the past two days...but more than that is going to take some more digging." My feet instantly moved towards the screens, scanning over the information he had pulled up. There on the screen I saw the last phone call he made before he decided to shoot up my house - my father.

My blood was boiling in my veins as I continued to look through the information. He had locations loaded from the GPS on his phone, my father's warehouse and my family home. "You have got to be fucking with me..." I let out a huff of air before I grabbed a cup off his desk and sent it crashing into one of the monitors against the far wall. "Get it all. Everything. Send it to my phone." I shouted as I slammed the doors open, the metal door crashing against the wall as I exited the room.

The gravel scraping against the bottom of my shoes seemed deafening as I hurried to my car. The car peeled out of the lot, sending gravel flying against the warehouse door. Everything seemed to be buzz, my anger was boiling over and there was no turning back now. My head was spinning as I began to piece together my plan. At this point I was going to have to play dirty and ask for forgiveness from those I hurt later. I had to play like my father to win at this game he had started and there was no way I was going to let him win a damn thing. My thoughts were all over the place, sporadic and uncontrollable, as I sped down the highway headed back to Sacramento. Everyone knew that most of my life I had let all my actions be ruled by my anger. It usually won over any internal battle I had and today was no different. This time I wasn't going to even attempt at controlling myself. There was a sick grin curling up over my lips as I let it all out. All the darkness seemed to pour from somewhere deep inside me. There had always been a dark side of myself, one I kept locked deep inside my soul once I met Sam. All that control was gone, I was going to let it all out now. I refused to let someone screw me over this way and I was going to do anything I needed to do to destroy them. My father had crossed a lot of lines and this time he made a big mistake.

I know this chapter is a bit on the short side but all well.

I know a few of you figured out it had sonething to do with Liam's dad so here was the confirmation! I hope to get the next chapter out sonetime this week

Thanks again to those who continue to support me and keep me going. ❤

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