She is my wife

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It has been a two months Nandini went back to India. Manik is still feeling her warmth in house, her smiles giggles are still making him go crazy. It's been like making him miss her a lot.

When he is returning back from office his mom called and informed that Nisha, Malhotra and she are coming to London next day.

He just left a deep breath, "again" he felt a small inconvenience. He went to mansion, checked all rooms, he felt Nandini all the house even her crying on that day "so childish she is just impossible" he got broad smile

In two days raj Malhotra Nyeonika and Nisha came London. Manik didn't go to airport to receive, he sent Alex to receive them saying he is busy and will meet them in the evening. They all felt sad but they knew it already

When Manik came to mansion at night 11pm, he found all waiting for him. He didn't give any look to them just walked to his mother hugged her and smiled. She kissed his cheek felt him with hands "I missed you a lot Manik"
He just smiled
Nisha came running and was about to hug him he just shown her his hand and made her stop, she frowned "I came all the way to stay with you Manik"
"Why?" His voice is harsh
"What why? I am your wife"
"No never you can't be" he is stern
"Nothing can make me away from you Manik" she said in determined tone
"Fine try your fate and luck all the best but don't you think you are expecting to much from me?"
"Manik!!!! She is your wife she is going to stay with you" Raj said firmly
"Who the hell are you to say that Mr.Malhotra?" His voice is cold
"Manik" Nyeonika shouted
Raj was taken back by his voice and words
"I already made myself clear to everyone back in India in this eight months nothing changes, she will never be my wife and you will never accept my wife as your daughter in law so now making Tamasha all again don't make any sense, so I feel you guys should stay here spend some quality time then take her along with you it's best idea" Manik said in low voice

"Manik!!!! Life is so long, I am your father, you will know everything which I am saying is correct once you come to my age till then young blood, ego all are making you think and talk such it's ok Manik but don't be so harsh on life that you regret on it later for life time" he talked humble

Manik smiled "some rights can't change even time passed away for very long time, like I am your son no matter I back off or you throw me out same way Nandini is my wife and Misti is my daughter, she is nothing to me, so accept the truth"

Raj Malhotra got anger "I just don't want her name to be spelled infront of me she snatched my son, my heir everything I hate her"
"Malhotra!!!!!!"Manik shouted "standing in her house and talking about her in such way does suit you good so be in your limits"
"It is your place"
"I am owned by her totally"
Both are in rage
"Manik why are you fighting with dad?" Nisha was trying to touch his hand he stepped back "don't ever in your life try to touch me stay away from me, you don't know that I can burn you alive" Manik said in very strong and harsh voice which made her flinch in her place with fear, even Raj felt a slight shiver in his body due to Manik voice. Manik went to his room after saying sorry to his mom and closed his room door.

For one week raj and nyeonika spent in London, daily Manik used to go out by 8 and return by 11, never gave any chance to anyone to talk to him, he once open his room door he just walks out and when enters he straight away walk to his room and close door, neither he had food with them nor talk with them.

When the day arrived to go back to India Raj stopped Manik while he was going to office in the morning
"Manik we are leaving today take care of Nisha. She is your responsibility I know you won't neglect your responsibility still I just want to say it"
"Harshad will come here, he will take care of her, she can never be my responsibility, I am no where concerned about her." Manik said without seeing him
"Manik!!!! Fighting with words cannot solve anything let me say one thing, bring your daughter here, I will make sure Nisha give her love and I will make her princesses of Malhotra's you just take care of Nisha that's it"

Manik anger grow to peak he held his collar "how dare you to say this to me???? Why will my daughter stay with this lady when she has her own mom and dad alive????? See this house it's more bigger than your mansion it's her mansion, she has her mom alive to give love care and effection she doesn't need anyone's beek...... how many times I have to say? you are living with her mercy she is not the one." Manik left him took a deep breath kept his hand on his hips

"Don't insitage me Mr. Malhotra you can't handle me in this topic, she is my princess my doll I challenge you with in no time I will make an empire here in London for her. She doesn't need any one except her mother and me"

"Are you still with her???" Raj asked with anger
He smirked "you want me to get away from own wife and daughter?"
"Answer me straight way are you still with her?"
"No I am here she is there how come I am with them? And she is not allowing me to see them" he got tears but gulped "but she will come to me I will make her come to me"
"Manik you won't"
"I will"
Raj slapped Manik "she is illegal"
Manik got more anger "she is my legal wife, she is everything this Nisha is nothing to me she is illegal"

"She is your wife?"
"No I already gave you my stay order"
"I am your wife" Nisha said
"No Nandini is my wife"
"Don't take her name she is a slut" Raj said in anger
Manik raised his hand to beat but stopped in midway Nyeonika got tears
"Get out of my house, this house is Nandini Malhotra house you are not allowed to step here and she is not .... she is my wife your acceptance does not make any change in her identity nor my daughters identity I am sorry" he walked away with straight face.

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