6; Like what you see?

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I look at my reflection in the mirror, staring myself from my head to toe. Combing my hair slowly while thinking about Jimin. The words, he said last night make me fluster again; can't seem to forgot them.

With a sigh, putting the hair brush on the table and pick a white snapback from the side table right next to the full length mirror of my room. I wear the snapback, running fingers through my hair to fix them.

"I am ready," I say, turning around to check myself for the last time before heading out of the bedroom

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"I am ready," I say, turning around to check myself for the last time before heading out of the bedroom.

The loud honk of car, busy gathering notes from the coffee table. "Why does he always arrive on time?" I mumble under my breath, rushing towards the front door of the house.

Wearing my white converse shoes, I pick my backpack and phone. I walk outside to see Jimin patiently waiting in his car.

"Good Morning, princess," Jimin greets, smiling brightly. As usual, Jimin is wearing a simple and casual outfit yet looks like a model. A pair of sunglasses on his face, his black hair pushed back; flashing his glorious forehead.

I roll my eyes while sitting in the passenger seat, "Good morning, Jimin," greet back, faking an extra large smile.

"Cute," He chuckles, making me scoff.

The sun rise in a pool of crimson and gold, spilling light all over and few white clouds here and there in the large blue sky.

"Does any professor trouble you?" Jimin questions, driving towards the college.

I pout my bottom lip, thinking about it for a second, "I don't think so. I am doing good." I tell truthfully. He smiles, nodding his head, acknowledging.

We reach the college in no time. Once the car is park, Jimin opens the door, stepping out while I stay in, waiting for him to open the door for me. I always complain, I can open the door myself but he wouldn't listen.

He opens the door, extending a hand out for me to hold. I blush, placing my hand in his while staring at him. Why are you shaking my heart?

Pulling me upwards with a grin on his face, "Like what you see?" He asks, holding my hand tightly in his palm. He locks the car, as we start to walk away.

"Not at all," I lie.

"Tch, what a shame." Jimin pouts his lips cutely. I giggle, walking towards the college building with him, hand in hand. Its our usual thing, and its the only place where people don't stare or judge me to be with him like this.

Maybe because they know how Jimin is like, or Maybe they know the title; she belongs to Park.

I release my hand from his as soon as I see Hani. She is running towards our direction with a bewildered expression or her face but she quickly calms down when she Jimin.

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