47; How do i start?

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- past

The view of the city lights through the hospital windows gave you a sense of relief. Each sound from the monitor, the sound of your breathing made your surroundings so far away. You were not aware of the troubles that awaited.

Everyone had left as night approached, telling to come back in the early morning to check up on you. The day was filled with little productivity and the slow conversations around the room changed topics frequently.

You tugged on the sleeves of the hospital gown as the air around seemed to be getting colder and colder. All the lights were turned off, engulfing the entire room in a still darkness, well nearly everything.

Eyes wouldn't rest as if sleeping for months had finally managed to mess with your mental state.

Suddenly the door clicked, signifying that someone came inside. You ducked behind the covers in case the nurse wanted to check on the iv's or the monitor. They had advised you to rest, you were doing anything but that at nearly 1 in the morning.

You peeked over as light filtered into the room, hitting right onto your face making your eyes squint.

"..not able to sleep huh?"

A low and deep voice mumbled, catching your attention suddenly. The blanket was still pulled up to your neck, not moving an inch.

He giggled, pulling the blanket away slowly, "I know you are wide awake so no more fooling around."

Finally, you see his face, your brother and also your doctor with a cup of coffee in his hand. A huge grin made its way to your lips, unconsciously. You don't remember anything that happened before you gained your senses back, few days ago but somehow you felt comfortable around him.

Though all this time, you thought you were asleep, a deep one.


That's it, nothing more came out of your mouth as you were not allowed to speak or talk much, just nodding and shaking of head was the way of communication for now.

"Do you need something?" Namjoon asked, smiling at you softly. You nod, pointing the glass of water kept on the side table next to the bed.

Namjoon smiled, putting the coffee cup on the table and adjusting the position of your bed before picking up the glass of water and helping you drink, slowly.

Something about him, the vibe he was giving off told you that he was not here as your doctor but brother. He came to comfort you, as he knew you better than you knew yourself.

You voice was small when you spoke, ".. thank you,"

"For what?" He asked instantly, staring at you with a confused gaze. You smiled big, eyes shining brightly, "Everything.."

Namjoon smiled, patting your head like any brother out there. He turned around to put the glass back and brought the small seat to sit next to your bed, adjusting himself all comfortable.

"Let's have a brother-sister time, shall we?"

Smile. Smile big that reached your eyes, lips little chapped but still looked the brightest. Namjoon wasn't just going with the plan but he actually felt the connection. A real one, he was ready to be a real brother to you, no fake love.

"How long I have been gone," You asked, clueless.

Smile fades away. A loud cough, clearing his throat as he fixed his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "You've been in a coma for almost six months," said Namjoon, sighed, "nearly died."

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