21; Mr. Park wants to see you, now

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"Two mango smoothies, please," A girl orders, giving me her credit card to pay the bill. I nod my head, flashing a warm smile to the girl as it's my job as a worker here. Be polite to the customers even if they are a pain in the ass.

"It'll take five to ten minutes, please wait. Thank you," I say, bowing my head slightly. I wanna go home, already but today I have to meet Jeongguk too before heading home. Ah! too much work today.

Moving to the other side to take the drinks from the left counter that Lilly made, "Are you okay?" She looks at me with a side glance. "Yeah, why?" I say, picking up the straws.

"You look a bit lost," She pouts while removing her plastic gloves and throwing them away into the bin. I smile slightly, "I am okay," I lie, picking up the tray but she takes it from my hand immediately.

I look at her, confused, "Stay, i'll go give them," She says, smiling softly at me. I nod my head in response. My mind going to back to the same old thoughts that are eating me since a few days; Jimin and Jeongguk. They are too much for my brain and heart.

"Ah, I am going crazy," I whine, ruffling my hair like a crazy woman.

"Yah! what are you doing?"

I open my eyes to see Lilly standing in front of me with a bewilder expression on her face. I fix my hair, brushing them, "Huh, nothing," I chuckle nervously. She looks at me with judging eyes but I just rub my bare arm, smiling.

She sighs, shaking her head, "The same guy came and ordered two coffees with you," She tells, staring at her small notepad.

"Huh? What guy," I ask, scrunching up my nose.

She winks, walking past me, "Go look for yourself," This girl, I swear.

I sigh, fixing my uniform and apron while walking towards the sitting area of the cafe. Is Jimin again here like last time? I bite my bottom lip, thinking about seeing him again. A small spread makes it way to my lip, unknowingly. Just when I reach to the table number 5, I see him sitting there.

My heart skips a beat, breath hitches. Does he only have black clothes or what? whatever! he looks good in whatever he wears. ah, what am I saying? Have I gone crazy? I gulp before bringing his name on the tip of my tongue,


His head pops up at my direction, smiling he gets up from the chair and walks up to me, "Y/N-ah, bogoshipuh," He says in a sweet tone. Is he doing aegyo in front me?

I clear my throat, looking around the cafe. "I am doing work right now. We decided to meet at the library, right?" I say, staring at my wrist to look at the time, "It's still 20 minutes," He looks at me, smile fading away a little.

He looks away while speaking in a low voice, "I just wanted to surprise. I am sorry,"

 I am sorry,"

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