29; Make the right choice

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The sunlight peaks through the sheer curtains, it seems like it's seeking out to wake my up. I groggily groan, trying to move but not able to due to a weight on my arm and chest.

Upon opening my eyes slowly, vision still not clear enough to see. I rub my eyes gently, lifting my head up only to see my body tangled up with his body.

It really wasn't a dream?, I thought.

Eyes growing big as I see him moving against my body. He snuggles in the crook of my neck making my body stiff.

I want to push him away but that will only make him hit the floor hard and don't really want him to wake up like that.

I let out a deep sigh, pealing his hand away from my chest, I successfully did without any troubles. Just when I get up from the couch, he shifts comfortably in the space.

I smile softly while staring at his baby face, moving a hand to trace his cheek and push back the hair that's covering his eyes.

"What a baby," I mumble lowly, eyeing the sleeping boy.

After staring Jeongguk for few more seconds, I realise how creepy it's to stare someone. Immediately standing straight, I tie my hair into a lose messy bun before walking inside my bedroom.

"I should quickly shower and cook some breakfast for us," I say before picking up the towel.

I decide to wear something simple today, not feeling fancy at all. So I pick up an oversized mustard coloured hoodie with a pair of blue jeans.

Leaving my hair flowing down my shoulder naturally and slight make up so I don't look dead and scare anyone out there. I still have to go to work today.

"Should I cook breakfast first or wake that kid up," I talk to myself; an old habit of yours while walking out of the bedroom

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"Should I cook breakfast first or wake that kid up," I talk to myself; an old habit of yours while walking out of the bedroom. It's sunday anyways so I should let him sleep..

Before walking into the kitchen I peak into the living room to see if he's awake or not, he isn't. I quickly move into the kitchen to take a glass of cold water and aspirin; he'll defiantly have a huge headache when he wakes up.

After putting both the things on the coffee table, I wear the apron and start cooking breakfast for two. I make some egg wraps. I hope I don't burn anything. This is the dish which Jimin taught me, he really loves it so I hope I cook it well.

Too busy with preparing the plate, I didn't notice it's already 10 a.m. I should wake him up, he needs to shower too.

Just when I put the gas off, I hear low groans coming from the living room. "Guess, he is already up," I mumble while walking into the living room.

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