Jealous....Of What?

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Charlie was beyond excited for breakfast this morning. When she told the other girls last night, they seemed a little hesitant. They weren't as naive as Charlie and knew something was up.

They didn't want to crush Charlie's spirits so they decided they would go. They were both scared that Tom would just disappoint them yet again.

Charlie picked up Sofia, Bella and Alycia up in her car and they drove to their favorite breakfast spot in LA. It was a little early so not a lot of people were up to bother them. Bella wanted every greasy food to help with her hangover.

Alycia was just hoping that nothing would go wrong, because Charlie looked so happy to see Tom again. She knew how dependant Charlie was on Tom. She knew she would kick Tom's ass if he screwed up.

Charlie pulled up into a parking spot, and she grew nerves because she didn't see Tom's car. She looked at the time and thought that maybe they were a little bit early. Everyone got out the car and waited inside.

After fifteen minutes went by and no sign of Tom, Charlie decided to text him. Sofia decided to order everyone's food and order a plate for Tom since he was probably running late.

The food got there and there was still no sign of Tom. Alycia, Sofia, and Bella were eating, but Charlie was too upset to eat.

"He probably overslept don't worry. He will be here soon." Alycia said trying to lighten the mood. Charlie started eating her plate and kept glancing at the time.

Bella finished her food first and she decided to check her phone. Her eyes popped out of their sockets when she checked her Twitter and saw a familar face. This was posted two hours ago.

She showed the phone to Alycia and Sofia while Charlie wasn't looking and they were both shocked as well. Charlie looked up from her plate and saw her friends friends looking down at Bella's phone shocked.

"Did Tom text you?" Chalrie asked and her friends looked up at Charlie scared. They didn't want to show her what they found out, but knew Charlie was persistent.

"No just a funny cat meme." Alycia said and Bella faked a laugh. Sofia just went back to eating not saying a word.

"Let me see." Charlie said reaching out for Bella's phone but Bella was quick to pull it away. Charlie looked at Bella shocked and Bella just let out a nervous laugh.

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