Meating Charley and Ashton

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Melody has been living with her foster family for about three months now but she is finally getting adopted.

She's been living with Jane and Jago Jones and there 2 kids Matt (13) and Chelsea (10), after her old neighbours finally phoned the police on her dad who abused her daily.

From a baby she had been neglected by her dad which has lead to her have problems with acting her age. She is 7 at the minute but she still has traits of a younger age. Like still has night time accidents, doesn't like telling people when she needs the toilet, still has a dummy as well as others.

She is going to live with a gay couple called Ashton and Charley. They have already adopted 5 boys Zack 20 (doesn't live at home), Louis 17, Arthur 16, Naill 15 and Harry 12. They live in a 4 bed bungalow but they have turned the attic into a bedroom and a play/games room.

Melody is so nerves about having 5 big brothers she already has problem getting along with Matt and that's just one boy let alone 5.


She sat up in bed and thought 'today's the day'. She went to the bathroom and get out her wet pull up and put her pjs into one of the 3 suitcases then get changed. Melody went down stairs and went to the kitchen to find Jago cooking breakfast.

"Morning Melody, did you sleep well" he half shouted so Melody could hear him, as he placed a plate with a bacon sandwich and a sippy cup of apple juice in front of her.

"I don't want to go" she mumbled, poking her bacon.

"I'm sorry baby, but you have to. You'll have a great time" Jago said quit loudly rubbing her back.

"If you let me stay I'll stop wetting the bed AND my pants" she tried to negotiate.

"Nope you're still going" he sadly stated knowing this is going to end in tears.

"What if I give you flopsie and my dummies. Please please please" Melody whimpered as tears ran down her cheeks.  

"What are all these tears for, Melody" Jane said walking into the kitchen.

"She doesn't want to go" Jago said with a sad smile. Jane just tuts and continued to make a cup of tea.

After breakfast they packed everything into the car and strapped Melody into her car seat. The hole way there she begged to go home. But the Joneses had no chose but to keep on going.

They pulled up to the house the same time as Violet, Melody's social worker. "Hey baby girl, you ready to meet your new daddies" the blonde lady said helping her out the car. Melody just shrugged.

Jane and Jago get everything out the car and said their final tearful goodbyes before driving off back home.

"Let's take the car seat up first then come back for the bags, ye" Violet said bugging Melody in the direction of the door. They brought everything up to the front door then took a deep breath and rang the door bell. As soon as Melody heard the bell go she grabbed Violets hand and held on very tight. As well as hiding behind her leg.

A few seconds later two all men with brown and blonde hair opened the door with welcoming smiles. "Hi I'm Violet, from social services. This is Melody" the women greeted the men trying to get the little blonde girl out from behind her with no luck.

"Come on in and we'll show you, your new room" a tall brown haired, blue eyed men said. So they both come in and are lead to the living room. "Please take a seat. So I'm Ashton and this is my husband Charley but the boys call us dad and papa".

"Why don't we go see your new room?" Charley smiles at Melody looks like she's just ignoring him, but actually she did hear him. She just looks down at her feet and played with her finger. Then glanced and Violet. "You go princess while I talk to Ashton"said loudly in her ear.

She slowly follows Charley up the stairs to a white door with a pink 'M' on the front. The room was pretty simple. A single bed with plain baby pink bedding, chest of drawers and a cupboard. And they both started unpacking her bags.

Mean while down stairs.
"So Melody if 7 her birthday is on the 13th of October. She is very VERY shy so try not to rush her. When giving her instructions be careful you might have to repeat it a few times and give her time to process it. Also she tends to zone out and when she does you doesn't really hear you. She still had night time protection which she is normally quite good with remembering to put on by herself. She has trouble telling people when she needs to go potty in the day time. But the Joneses say she is capable of going in alone and being independent. She still sleeps with a blanket called fluffy, a bunny called flopsie and a dummy. Umm any questions because I think that's about it".

"Has she ever had a earring test" he said curiously questioned.

"No there where move high priority cases" she said sympathetically.

"Okay but if we have any more we do have your number so we'll give you a call or text" Ashton said as Violet get up to shake his hand. Then she left so Ashton went and joined Charley and Melody with the unpacking.

Melody hid her blanket, dummy, bunny and pull ups under the bed think no one shore. "So what do you like to do in your free time, Melody" Charley said trying to start a conversation. But she did hear him so just continued to stare out the window.

"Well the boys are staying at my parents house for the night. To give you time to get used to the house and us first. So we have to rest of the day to do something of your chose" Ashton said.

So they finished unpacking a little amount of things she had brought with her. "So, what do you want to do now" Ashton said as he sat next to Melody on the bed. She just shrugged not hearing him probably so she wasn't sure what he said. "How about we have some lunch then go do some shopping. Maybe find some stuff for your room" Charley joined in. "Okay" She sheepishly muttered in reply.

Charley slowly put his hand out for Melody, which she gently holds as she slides off the bed. They walk to the kitchen hand in hand with Ashton following behind.

Once in the kitchen Charley placed Melody on the counter so she could see what they where doing. "What do you want for lunch, we have soup, pasta, sandwiches" Ashton said looking though the cupboards putting some canned food on the counter next to Melody.

"Soap please" she mumbled seeing it on the counter then putting 2 fingers in her mouth for confit. "Wow so well mannered" Charley joked tickling her tummy. She let out a tiny cute giggle before pushing his hand away. "Melody could you take your fingers out your mouth please. There covered in germs" Charley asked politely. "Hey, Melody Violet told me you had a dummy at bed time. But do you have it in the day as well" Ashton asked quite loudly making sure she heard him, as she took her fingers out her mouth.

"Sometimes, but I'm a big girl. Jago said there for babies" she said looking like she was about to cry. "No no no there not for babies you can go get it if you want sweetie" charley said giving her a hug, she nods and sniffles into his shoulder.

So Charley carry's her up stairs. "So where are they Melody. I don't remember seeing them while unpacking" he said carefully placing her on the floor. She slowly walks over to the bed, then lays on the floor and reaches under her bed and pulls out a dummy and sticks it in her mouth and also gets her bunny.

She goes back over to Charley lifting her arms up. So he picks her up and says "what else is under the bed baby". She just pushes her face into his neck even more. So he just goes down stairs and reminds himself to talk to Ashton about it.

Just as they walked throw the kitchen door the microwave pinged. So Charley sat Melody on a chair at the dinner table. "I think we need to get a booster seat" he said seeing that Melody's could only just see over the table.

After food Charley and Ashton here washing out the dishes and Ashton was telling Charley all the things Violet had told him about Melody. "I think he should try book are in for a hearing test" Charley said as they both glanced at her. "Ye the poor girl can hardly hear anything look...MELODY" she was only about 15 feet away but still couldn't hear him shouting.

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