First day of school

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Melody's brothers go to a big school called St.Ives academy. Which is attached to St.Ives primary academy, where Ashton and Charley have chosen to take Melody.

The family where sat at the breakfast bar all ready for school. Melody was having her first day photos taken.

"Come on then you lot in the car before we're late" Ashton said. All the kids grabbed there bags then went out to the car.

"Hey Heidi, this is Melody she's going to be in your class now" Ashton said as they approach Melody's teacher who is also a good family friend.

"Well is nice to meet you Melody my names Mrs. Day" she put her hand out to shake Melody's witch she didn't do straight away, until Ashton gave her a nudge.

"Well why don't you come in and find your seat?" Heidi said as the stood up straight guiding her into the room.

"Bye Melody, have a good day" Charley said, with Ashton's arm round his waist. "She'll be fine" he whispered in his ear.

The day was going well for Melody. She hid have to have a little extra help with her reading and writing but other then that it was going well. She hadn't made any friends yet she was to shy but it was coming close to lunch time and she didn't want to sit alone.

The class was slowly walked to the lunch hall by the teacher. Once there they all got in line for hot meals. Melody stood patiently waiting to get her food when someone came up behind her and pulled out her hearing aids.

She quickly turned around to see who it was.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw a very tall black haired boy this a big group of his friends laughing at her.

The boys started saying stuff to her but she didn't know what they where even saying. "Okay so let's play a game. Instead of blink once for yes and twice of no. You have to say nothing for yes and say something for no" the boy laughed knowing she wouldn't say anything because she could hear what they where saying.

"So, do you want me to pour this custard on your head then push you to the floor" he laughed, his friend found it beyond funny.

Melody didn't say anything  and the boys proceeded to carry out what he said be would. And to make things even funnier for them as Melody hit the ground she lost control of her bladder and started wetting her pants.

Everyone round her started laughing so hard, some of them started crying with laugher.

As Melody stood back up to find a teacher she also lost control of her boils and stared pooing her pant.

By this point she was sobbing and screaming. A few teachers heard her and came running over to help her. Non of them know what to do.

Not long after Mrs. Day came over to she what was going on and her heart sunk when she saw Melody.

"What happened sweetheart? Why are you covered in custard?" She asked the crying girl.

One of the other girls from Melody's class came up to Mrs. Day and tapped on her shoulder.

"Oh Jess, everything ok" she asked her. Jess just moved her hand to her teachers eye line then opened her fist revealing Melody's hearing aids.

"Thank you" she said then carefully put the hearing aids in Melody's hears.

"Let's go back to the class room and have a little talk. Ye" Melody slowly nods. Mrs. Day gently helps Melody up off the floor and walks her to the class room.

"Can you tell me what happened then I can call your daddies to come get you" Mrs. Day said rubbing Melody's arm.

"A b-boy took m-my hearing aids th-th-then put c-custard o-on my h-h-hand" she whimpers.

"Do you know who he was" but Melody just shook her head side to side. "Stay here while I ring her daddies" Mrs. Day said.

C: Charley.  MD: Mrs. Day
C: hello Charley Davids speaking.
MD: hey Charley it's Heidi. Could you or Ashton come collect Melody.
C: ye sure. What's wrong with her?
MD: there was an incident in the caffeine with some of the older boys. Which ended in her having a bit of an accident.
C: ok I'll be there in like 10 minute tell Melody I'm on my way.
MD: okay see you soon.

"Don't worry Melody dads on his way" Heidi said rubbing her back.

Not only later Charley came through the door with a sympathetic look on his face. "Come on Melody let's go home sweet heart".

Melody slowly walks over to him with her head hung low.

At dinner

"So Melody how was your first day" Ashton asked not aware of the situation earlier. Melody stopped eating and hung her head.

Charley lent over and said "I'll explain later"

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