Hearing test

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Melody was sat in the waiting room at the audiologist waiting for a hearing test.

"You must be Melody, I'm Dr.Higgins I'll be testing your hearing today" he said trying to start a conversation with no luck because she didn't hear him.

"So what I want you to do is hear these and when ever you hear a sound I want you to press this button. Can you do that for me?" He sad slightly shouting but she just nodded and put the headphones on and started listening.

After a couple of minutes he was done and Melody was sat on Charley's lap having cuddles.

"So she is definitely hard of hearing. If you don't mind I would like to get some moulds of her ears so we could get her some earring aids made" both Ashton and Charley agreed and they go started making moulds and choosing colours and design.

"Thank you so much Dr.Higgins" Ashton said shaking hand with him. "No worries. Her hearing aid should arrive in the next week or so"

—————— 5 days later

"Melody baby can you come here please" Charley called from the kitchen. Melody came running in "are my bo-bots (robots) here" she said jumping up and down.

Ahah Ashton and Charley where trying to understand what a hearing aid was and how it would help her. They ended up telling her they where mini robots that go in her hears to help her listen.

"Look at them" Ashton said pretending to be exited. Melody jumped up and down in excitement.

"Shall we put them in" Charley said slowly putting them in her ears

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"Shall we put them in" Charley said slowly putting them in her ears. "Wow you look beautiful princess" said making her giggle.

"So it says here they are only shower resistant, the battery needs changing every 3 weeks..."

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