I want love to

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Harry rubbed his eyes and slowly slid out of bed. As he stood up he could feel his nappy hanging between his legs. He could hear his dads in the lounge talking, so he want to find them to he could ask them to do his bum.

When he got into the lounge he saw his dads on the sofa snuggled up under a blanket. As he got closer he saw Melody in the middle. Harry wished his dads would cuddle him like that.

"Dad can you help me please" Harry asked slowly climbing on to Ashton's lap. "Harry please don't climb all over me. Me and Papa have been up most of the night" Ashton answered gently pushing him off his lap. Once Harry was back on his feet Charley asked "what do you need Harry".

"Um can you help me do my bum please" Harry said as his eyes made there way to his feet and he fiddled with his fingers. Charley huffed as he got up. "Melody baby do you need your bum bum doing" Charley asked slowly moving the blanket and her pj bottom, as he put a finger in the top. He could feel it was wet so he gently picked Melody up and placed her head in his shoulder and shushed her. As he started heading to his office with all the changing supplies Melody started to whimper. "Hey hey hey baby girl. Let's just change your bum bum then we can go cuddle again" he gently bounces her.

Charley lays Melody down on the changing mat and Melody starts crying. Charley places her dummy in her mouth and said "hey hey I know. Let's do your bum then I can pick you back up".

"Harry can the take down your trousers and take the nappy off them put it in the bin so I just have to wipe you up. I don't have time to faff about" Charley said as he started changing Melody. Harry slowly pulled his bottoms down but lost his balance and fell on his bum. "Harry stop messing round and just do what I've asked" Charley stated beginning to get pissed off. He didn't mean to he was tried and just want to get back to the sofa with his husband and Melody.

Harry huffed and stood back up. He put a hand on each nappy tap about to pull it and let the nappy drop to the floor. As he did the nappy dropped down. But what he didn't realise is that he had pood in the nappy in the night. So as it dropped to the floor it landed upside down so the poo was now sitting on the carpet.

Charley turned to look at Harry. All he could see was a nappy face down and Harry's lower regain covered in poo and a face full of nervousness. He put two and two together and worked out what he had done. "Go stand in time out I'm fed up with this behaviour!" Charley yelled as he carefully lifted Melody. Harry stands in the corner watching his papa cuddle and love Melody.

Why doesn't his daddy and papa treat Harry like that?  All he wanted was a cuddle and some love.

Harry stood in the corner watching his dad and papa laughing and cuddling with Melody on the sofa. He wish he could join in. He started to need a wee but he knows he's not meant to talk in time out.

"Daddy" Harry called from the corner in the hall next to the lounge. "Harry your in time out, your not meant to be taking" Ashton replies. "But daddy I need..."
"Harry I'm warning you young man" he replied sternly. Harry put his hands on his naked crotch and squeezed. He felt to uncomfortable stood with nothing but his pyjama top and a pair of socks. He stood there wriggling and squeezing his crotch for a few minutes before a little dribble of pee came out.

"Harry come her please" Charley said looking at Harry in the corner. "No papa I ..." Harry was about to say 'I can't I need a wee' but he didn't have time. "Harry now!" His papa said sternly. Harry slowly moved and as he got to the doorway of the living room his bladder gave way.

"For fuck sake Harry. What is wrong with you today" Charley got up and pulled Harry to the office by his arm. "I'm sorry papa. I didn't mean to. I just..." the twelve year old tried to explained himself. "I don't want to hear it Harry. Your being so naughty today what's gotten into you" Charley said taping a nappy round Harry's waist. Then to make it worse he Charley even put Harry in his old rubber pants. He hated his rubber pants wearing them was a punishment for him. "Please don't make me wear it pappy" Harry pleaded as he put his hand in the way of the rubber pants.

"Move your hands now. You can't be trusted to tell me and your dad when you need a toilet so you have to wear them till you do. I don't want you to be causing us more washing when your nappy leaks because you haven't told us when you need a change" Charley told his youngest son.

Once he was done with Harry he walked him into the lounge and sat him on the single arm sofa. He went back to Ashton and Melody. "Daddy" Melody mumbled from behind her dummy. "Yes baby girl" Ashton replied carefully putting her on his lap. "Sweepy" she whispers. "Why don't you lay down and go for a little nap. Then when you wake up I'll make you some chicken soup" he gently spoke to her.

Harry wanted to cry. He would love to have daddy and pappy cuddles right now. The more he thought about, the more tears that built up in his eyes.

It didn't take long for them so start overflowing over his cheeks. "Hey Harry what's wrong? What are these still tears for?" Ashton said quickly got up and put Harry on his lap. "I just feel like you and daddy don't love me as much as you love Melody" he whimpers.

"Oh Harry we love you guest as much as we love your sister AND brothers. It just Melody has poorly last night" Ashton said kissing him head.

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