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* 1 week before comic con *


Hey y/n do you wanna hang out 


Sure, what time


Can you meet me at the park in like 10 Mins


K see you then 

Gaten's P.O.V.

as I parked my bike and walked up to the old playground I made my way back to those swings, where it all began

"Wow I can't believe I'm actually gonna do this" I whispered to myself

I saw y/n ride up on her y/f/c bike 

"Hey Gaten!" She exclaimed 

"Hey y/n come sit" sit I patted the swing seat next to me

"I can't believe that next week your gonna meet the cast"

"I know! I'm so excited"

"I bet you'll really hit it off with Millie and Sadie their always complaining about there being 4 boys and only 2 girls our age"

"You really think so?"

"Yeah of course, why wouldn't you?"

"I don't know, I'm just scared I'm gonna make a bad first  impression."

"Don't think that, they already love you so much they actually keep spamming me with texts of how excited they are to meet you!"

"OK" she smiled

It was crazy how we only met 3 weeks ago, but it feels like we've known each other for our whole lives. We know basically everything about each other eye colour, hair colour, full name, height, weight, birthday, ethnicity, address everything 

"Hey y/n I bet you can't run up that huge Hill in  10 seconds flat"

"Challenge accepted!'

Y/n P.O.V.

I bolted as fast as I could and turned my head behind me to look back at him and saw him on his phone

Probably using his stop watch app 

I was completely out of breathe when I reached the top of the, regretting running at full speed at such a monster of a hill 

I felt a vibration from my phone and saw a text from.... Gaten?

It said

Y/n I have some bad news and some good news 

The bad news is that it took you 12.34 seconds to get to the top

The good news is that you stole my heart in 5, I've had a crush on you since the day I met youI went home dreaming about how lucky I was to meet someone as beautiful as you and the more we got to know each other the more I fell in love I constantly think about how kind, funny, caring, and amazing you are. Will you Y/F/N Y/L/N go out with me?

I almost started crying 

Yes, Gaten Matarazzo I will go out with you!

I heard a loud YES!!! from the ant sized playground down below he started cheering and running around the field I couldn't help but laugh at him.

Wow, that adorable dude down there is my boyfriend I thought to myself I burst out chuckled  at my luck

He came up to the top of the hill with open arms and pulled me into a warm embrace. We just sat there giggling to one another.

We rolled down the hill hand in hand still laughing like crazy we were just so happy. We made our way back to the swings our smiles growing larger with every step 

I love you y/n

I love you too Gaten 

A/n I know you're all probably like WELL THAT ESCALATED QUICKLY I know it did but more for an exciting story ♡

.Our love story. Gaten matarazzo.Where stories live. Discover now