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(Gaten's P.O.V.)

I was off all day while we wee filming and I just couldn't get a grip on reality, I couldn't hold my feelings in anymore.... I had to talk to. I texted Y/n so I could at least try to talk with her. 

Gaten: Y/n

Y/n: what's up bby

Gaten: I need to talk to you Right Now

Y/n: What is it? 

Gaten: where are you rn

Y/n: at the hotel 

Gaten: meet me at the field in 10 minutes 

Y/n: why

Gaten: just do it, please

Y/n: ok omw 

I wasn't supposed to leave yet, but I had to it was one of the most important things I had ever dealt within my life, Y/n is NY first real girlfriend and I don't want it to end so soon or ever. I sneakily called an uber and waited for it to arrive by the side of the road behind set and waited for the car to pull up.

*time skip*

I got out to see Y/n standing there in ⬇ (to lazy to describe)

I ran over to her and almost started crying, was I really ready to do this? Can't go back now I took a deep breath in

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I ran over to her and almost started crying, was I really ready to do this? Can't go back now I took a deep breath in.

She turned around and smiled at me. 

Are you cheating on me?! I blurted out and instantly regretted

She looked confused. No why would I be cheating on you?!

Because..... Because Jack showed me.a picture of you guys together (I honestly forget wtf it was) I could feel my facell heating up at the thought of them together

From when?!?! From where?!?!? From who?!?! Can you show it to me? 

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and showed her the picture 

What the fuck is this shit?!?! She exclaimed studying the photo 

Jack sent it to me and the caption is that you love him and nobody else!

She looked at the account name. That's my old account, is he the one who tucking hacked me?!?!?

What? You never told me you made a new account! I've been following this one thinking it was you!

I thought you knew.... wait is this why you've been acting so weird lately? 

Yeah,  cuz I thought you were cheating on me!

Omfg Gaten are you crazy? Why would I ever cheat on you, this was love at first sight it couldn't possibly get any better than being in love with you. I'm sorry 

No I'm sorry it's stupid that I thought you were cheating on me with that dumbass jerk 

No, it's not either of our faults Jack is just trying to mess with us, he wants us to break up. From now on nobody believes anything Jack says deal? 

Deal. We linked pinkies and I pulled her into a hug and she kissed me on the cheek. Just then my phone was buzzing like crazy. I checked it and it was all messages from the cast/crew 

Finn: Dude where the fuck are you?!?

Caleb: where did you go?!

Millie: they need you for your next scene 

Sadie: wya bitch?!?!

Oh Shit I forgot I wasn't supposed to leave!

Gaten why the fuck would you leave without telling them you could.get fired!!


Finn: get here now or I'll beat your ass! 

Millie: are you with Y/n?!?!

Gaten: yeah...

Finn: I'll beat her ass too who the fuck gave you permission to leave?!?!

Gaten: but I had to!

Finn: you could get yourself fired we need you here now! And bring Y/n cuz your both in trouble 

Gaten: sorry mama 

Finn: you lucky I don't bring out my belt!

We gotta go Now, Finn said he's gonna beat our asses if we're not there in 5 minutes 

I'm not tryna get beat, yeet bitch! She started bolting back to set and I ran after her cuz I'm beat either 

(I love how I just turned Finn into a black mom 😂) 

We got back to set and we saw Finn standing there tapping his foot looking at his watch waiting for us 

Where the fuck did you go? He said actually a bit concerned for our health 

I thought she was cheating on me with Jack and we had to go and talk about it 

OK well as long as you weren't doing bad stuff I guess you're OK by me but it's not me you have to worry about he hugged us 

Gaten you better get over there where the rest are, Y/n come with me. 

(Y/n's P.O.V.)

Gaten ran over to the rest of the group to film and Finn brought me to his trailer.

Are you Ok with all of this Jack drama, I'm not completely sure what is going on but I just 9want to make sure you guys are ok, Gaten's never like this and I haven't really talked to you lately I just wanna know what's going on.

Well... did you hear what happened with Noah? 

Oof I wish I didn't 

OK,  so after we told him Jack and I went back to Gaten's trailer and he kissed me and it was disgusting of course but Gaten saw him do it and apparently now Jack was texting Gaten  and sent him a picture of Me and Jack together with a caption of how much I "love" Jack on my old account which I'm now pretty sure he hacked and Gaten didn't know it was my old account so he was really stressed that I was cheating but now he knows I wasn't and we're shutting Jack out completely and never trusting him again.

Finn just hugged me. You poor things! He whispered and he let go of me. 

I can't believe all of that happened to you guys in not even a week, I-I had no idea, you guys must be so stressed 

I am a bit but not as much as Gaten, of course I really do love him but he just cares about me so much it's like.... indescribable love he's just so passionate and loving of me I don't think he could ever handle losing me, for him it would be like having a mid life crisis at 15! 

That's pretty deep.

Yeah, but it's unbelievably amazing to know you have somebody who cares about you like that.

A/n I love how I said I would update in a few minutes more like a few weeks😂 if you're a Wyatt Oleff stan check out my new story extraordinary 

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