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(This is still th same day from the last chapter)

*Noah's P.O.V.*

while I was on my break I decided to text Khia, as I opened our messages I looked at the last texts we sent, it was from last night.  I was upi late because I couldn't stop thinking about her.

*over text flashback*

Noah: hey Khia 

Khia: Noah it's 12:37 am why are you texting me so early?

Noah: I can't sleep

Khia: is there a reason? 

Noah: yeah, I see your beautiful face everytime I close my eyes 

Khia:  awww ily😍😘❤

Noah: ily2 😘❤❤

*in text irl*

Noah: heeeloooooo K!

Khia: hey N!

Noah: wyd?

Khia: nm hbu

Noah:  I'm on my break 

Khia: cool 

Khia: hold on I got a text from my manager 

Noah: what does it say?

Khia: I have to go srry

Noah: OK bye bby ily❤❤❤

Khia: bye bby😘😘

*Y/n P.O.V.*

Jack, Wyatt and I decided to go visit the cast on set and we saw Noah on his phone behind the scenes 

Hey Noah what's up? I tapped him on the shoulder with Jack and Wyatt standing behind me worried about what we were about to tell our friend

Y/n? Wyatt? Jack? What are you guys doing here?!?!?!

Well we have something very important to tell you I said worriedly 

What is it? The smile left his face as he knew this was serious 

OK please don't say anything until the end and just let us explain before you freak out or anything OK? 

Ok I promise I won't say anything.

We have evidence that Khia is cheating on you. I said quickly and slapped my hands over my mouth 

Noah looked at me shocked and opened his mouth to speak but closed it with a sad look 

Jack you tell him the rest. I motioned for him to come forward and speak

Well, he started last night I got a text from her and she was talking about how she thought I was so hot and she wishes I could be her boyfriend  so I started talking to her and then I told the losers about it (plus y/n) and y/n told me that Khia was your new girlfriend, and I swear I did not know you liked her I didn't even know you knew who she was and I'm. Really sorry and I hope you aren't mad at me but if you ae I understand.... he said the last part quietly

Noah sat there with a look of disbelief sadness and anger on his face 

Jack showed him the pictures of the text messages 

I can't believe she said she didn't have a boyfriend....... she- she lied about.... everything 

Noah, I'm really sorry I didn't know 

My first girlfriend cheated on me.... with my friend...... with YOU! he pointed his finger at jack and started towards him

I liked her for 3 YEARS! and she just came up to yoh out of nowhere and pretended like I didn't exist, FOR YOU! he shouted at him

Noah,  calm down he didn't know and he apologized! I grabbed his shoulder ŕ

He stopped and just broke into tears and ran to his trailer and he didn't come out for the rest of the week 

Wyatt just sat there shook 

Well, I'm proud of you for telling him the truth Jack. I said as I started to walk to Gaten's trailer 

Where are you going? Wyatt questioned me

To my boyfriend's trailer DUH! Answered him sarcastically 

Well I'mgonna go, it was nice hanging out with you guys! He said as he left 

It was just me and Jack 

Hey Kasbrack, you wanna come to Gaten's trailer?

Why does everyone call me by that name IT WAS A CHARACTER!!!! but sure he said

We walked up to the trailer, went inside and he sat on a chair while I sat on the couch. I got up and started looking around in a little side table drawer gaten kept in the trailer.

What are you looking for?

I'm looking for your Gazebos Eddie!

Haha very funny! He said rolling his eyes as I burst out in  tears from laughing 

But what are you really looking for? He asked curiously 

I'm looking for snacks.


Because I'm hungry! And I pulled out a pack of MNM's from the drawer and sat back in my chair 

Thanks... for keeping your promise about sticking up for me when Noah got mad.

What's the point of a promise if you're not gonna keep it? 

Suddenly Jack got up and kissed me  ON THE LIPS! And I. Was. Not. Having. It!

But before I could get up and push him away Gaten came into.his trailer and saw me.trying to push Jack away from me 

WHAT THE HELL?! He screamed and pushed Jack away from me 

I spat into the garbage can and wiped my mouth 

WHY WERE YOU KISSING Y/N, MY GIRLFRIEND!! He yelled holding jack by the collar 

I- I Love you Y/n! I could give you so much more!

Get the fuck out now! I shouted at him.

Gaten shoved him out the door and locked it and ran over to me on the couch 

I don't know I hugged him and started crying into his shoulder

I can't even believe he just kissed me I said disgusted and with everything else that just happened with Noah! I said with rage

What happened with Noah!? 

I'll tell you after but it's pretty bad 



I just wanna go home I want us to go home and just have everything back to how it was before, I thought I would be able to handle it, all this drama but I really don't think I can anymore I said as I cried harder 

But y/n, i can't leave yet we still have 3 more weeks of filming. And if you go home, you'll be without me for the rest of the month. His eyes started to water at the thought of me leaving 

We just sat there and cried in each others arms for a few minutes until someone from crew came and knocked on the trailer door 

Mr. Matarazzo you're needed on set 

I don't feel so good do you think I can stop for today 

Of course but I'll have to check with Mr. And Mr. Duffer 

(The duffer said yes and you and gaten go back to the hotel)

Gaten, you know how much I love you and the cast but I just don't know how much longer I can take this 

I know y/n but please I'llbe to sad to work if I know you're not gonna be there when I'm done 

A/n part 1 of why I changed the name I hope you guys like all this weirday as drama bc that's all my brain is full of, P.S. sorry this update is so late I've been kinda busy lately since school (for me) ends I n like, 6 weeks but I still love you guys ~Olivia♡♡♡♡♡

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