It was One in the afternoon.

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Around 1pm the next afternoon, Louis decided he would finally wake up. He's slept most of the hangover away so he was pretty mobile. I smiled at him as he wandered over to Liam and I who were eating our lunch on the sofa. You see we had hired a penthouse type suite, so the whole band including their girlfriends could stay in the same area together, it was easier that way especially with getting everyone home after a night out like the previous night.

"Look who finally decided to wake up." Liam teased, smacking Louis on his bum as he walked past him.

"That was a bit cheeky." Louis observed, sitting down on my lap, I wrapped my arms around his waist and could feel his every move; my heart even did a flip as he took my hand on his. You would think after being his girlfriend for four years I would get used to this, but I hadn't. I still felt goose bumps every time he said he loved me, or with every little touch. He still had that effect on me.

"Do you remember anything about last night?" Liam asked him, taking a sip from his coca cola.

"I'm not sure actually." He admitted, having a little chuckle to himself.

"Do you remember telling me how much bitches love your voice, or how all the girls at the bar wanted to bang you?" I asked him, and although most girls would be worried if their fiancé had said this to them, I wasn't. For one I knew he only had eyes for me, and for another I knew Liam was watching him like a hawk at the bar and he would have told on him if he'd done something stupid.

"Did I?" he asked amused, a smile spread across his amused face. "Did I really?" he repeated quite pleased with himself.

"Yes." I answered him a little too loudly.

"Were you jealous?" a mocking tone started to form in his voice, which was always a worry, Louis was the king of mockery, one you did not ever want to mock you.

"No, you can bang all the bitches you want Louis Tomlinson." I stated firmly, before stubbornly looking away, I couldn't see the silent conversation the two boys were having but I suspected it was something I didn't want to know.

"Can you hop off me for a second?" I asked my fiancé and he kindly removed himself from my lap, as soon as I tried to leave the room he took hold of my hand so I couldn't move.

"Louis." I said sternly, but he didn't budge.

"Sit down." We whispered pointing towards the spot between him and Liam; I finally gave in and sat between the two.

"What?" I asked him with my arms crossed neatly across my chest.

"You aren't a bitch, but I'd bang you any day." He told me, with a serious face. I couldn't help myself from laughing.

"That's a very unique complement." Liam noted, nodding his head but smiling at the same time.

"Indeed it is." I said stealing a sip from his coke can.

"Oi!" He complained, giving me his disapproving look, but all I could think of responding with was an innocent angel expression.

"What's going on out here." a completely naked Harry asked as he walked out of the kitchen, I had to cover my eyes with the nearest pillow to avoid any awkward eye contact with my naked friend.

"Harry, would you be ever so kind as to put your balls away, I'm trying to be romantic and they are messing up my vibe." Louis told him hysterically, but you could tell he was taking the piss.

"Um yeah in a minute, have any of you seen Lila?" he asked and I suddenly felt alarmed. Lila hadn't been with Harry last night? Where the hell had she gone?

"She was staying the night with Tamy I think." Liam answered for us, which calmed me down a notch, sure Tamy had been drunk last night but at least Bailey had been sober, poor Bailey had to look after two drunken girls. Hang on a moment; didn't Lila say she might be pregnant? What the hell was she doing drinking last night?

"I have to go find her." I sprang off the sofa, and ran straight past Harry completely forgetting about him being naked, and I ran out the front door.

Bang! Bang! Bang! I knocked on my sister's room, and impatiently waited for them to come and answer.

"Hello?" a tired looking Tamy answered the door, she looked absolutely awful which was hard for her as she is one of the most beautiful girls I'd ever met.

"Is Lila here?" I asked impatiently pushing the door open so I could see inside the room. Bailey and Lila were watching television when I quickly barged in.

"Lila, can I speak with you, in private please?" I asked and she followed me outside the room.

"So, you aren't pregnant then?" I demanded unable to look her in the eye.

"Oh No I'm not! Did I forget to tell you the news?" she asked hyper, obviously she'd recovered from last night a lot soon that Tamy had.

"So you just tell me you're pregnant one minute then get pissed drunk the next? I don't get it Lil you could have just told me that it was a false alarm." I tried my hardest not to seem angry.

"I'm sorry Jay, I was just so relieved to not have that burden anymore and I forgot to tell you." She seemed okay with this response which I was not.

"I'm not angry Lil but can I just ask you one more thing?" I asked her quietly.

"Sure babe anything" she held onto my arm in a comforting way.

"Do you really think that pregnancy is a burden? I would love to be pregnant again but after last time I'm too scared, and when you said you were pregnant I just it was like the excitement of mine all over again, and now you aren't pregnant I don't know why I'm crying." I said wiping away my tears, she looked me in the eye, although she was just a blur to me through the tears.

"Do I think it's a burden?" she asked herself, taking a moment to think.

"You were pregnant." Harry asked from out of nowhere, neither of us knew he was standing there, neither of us had heard him coming. But there he was fully dressed staring at us with a hurt expression. My heart broke looking at his dimples drooping.

"Harry..." I started but it was too late he'd angrily stormed back into our suite down the hall, leaving Lila and I speechless.

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